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Asian Lacquered Wings with a Honey Sriracha Yogurt Dipping Sauce
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8 Reviews
October 13, 2011
Just made these and the sauce is divine, it will be my new go to sauce for anything Asian. The wings also are delicious, my wife and I are going to make a whole slew of them for a Halloween party and I know they will be a hit.
October 13, 2011
The sauce is addiciting, isn't it? I make it all the time for anything from fish (with pickled veggies) to steak to pork. Glad you enjoyed the dish!
October 4, 2010
This is delicious! I made the "lacquer" and marinated chicken thighs in it for about an hour before grilling them. I reduced the marinade until it was sticky, then brushed the chicken with it while it was cooking. Really fabulous flavor, I will definitely make this again and again!
October 4, 2010
So glad you liked them. As I was making these, I thought that it might be a good idea to marinate them in the lacquer first but I had a hungry husband whining in the background. Glad you tried it . . . definitely going to marinate them first next time.
September 30, 2010
Thanks everyone. I do hope you try them. The dipping sauce is great on everything, especially a piece of fish.
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