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Big Zombie Goes Butternuts
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14 Reviews
susan G.
October 11, 2011
After enjoying this (made with eggplant for cauliflower and some preserved lemon), I took leftovers to make a very strange meal. On a premade pizza shell, I spread a zesty barbecue sauce, topped it with a thick layer of BZB and shredded sharp cheddar. Odd, but surprisingly delicious.
October 5, 2011
This was a great autumn dish. My husband fussed that it smelled like potpourri, but he had seconds. I especially like the bits with more acidity - preserved lemon or prunes, so don't skimp on those.
October 19, 2010
I like the prune and apricot combo. Go for the okra, too! Cassia I had not considered as a cinnamon alternative. Great spices, vegetarian factions everywhere.
October 15, 2010
This sounds so flavorful! Can't wait to try it! I love tagines. They are like magical cooking vessels. :)
October 15, 2010
I LOVE OKRA TOO! And hate EVOO (the expression, not the product) but Pierino - you do know that recover REALLY means pour a glass of wine, feet up, and drink, right?
October 15, 2010
For me "recovery" meant as soon as I saw the food go out of the kitchen for service, I stumbled into an ante-room and went boneless on a couch. 25 diners and all of the food had to be out at EXACTLY 6:00 p.m. It was like "Top Chef".
October 14, 2010
I really need to get a tangine. This looks like something I need to make soon. We have some great squash out of the garden and I still have okra growing. Have you ever steamed cous cous?
October 14, 2010
Yes I have, T Bro. And in fact that's the preferred method. You could also buy a big ole' couscoussier where you cook the stew in the bottom and as the steam comes up it cooks and flavors the couscous. But the tagine, as in the vessel itself is great on its own. And I'm glad that you are NOT an okra weenie.
October 15, 2010
Non-okra weenies unite! I love okra. Of course my favorite way to eat it is cornmeal battered and fried; who wouldn't like that?
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