
Watermelon-Basil Sparklers

November  6, 2017
1 Ratings
Photo by MyNutriCounter
  • Serves 2
Author Notes

An incredibly, refreshingly, nutrient filled drink that not only quenches your thirst but feeds your health. Watermelons are made up mainly of water but also contains vitamins A, B6 and C, not to mention amino acids and antioxidants. So hydrate your body, get rid of toxins and give your skin a boost. Cheers or Kanpai (Japanese for ‘dry the glass!’) – a very good sentiment for this type of drink.
The recipe can be found here -
Nikki Brown

  • 300 grams watermelon
  • 7 grams fresh basil leaves
  • 30 milliliters lime juice
  • 250 milliliters sparkling water
  • 15-30 milliliters maple syrup, optional
  1. Puree watermelon in a blender until smooth.
  2. Muddle the basil leaves, lime juice, and maple syrup in a pitcher.
  3. Strain the watermelon juice through a fine sieve or cheesecloth into the pitcher.
  4. Add ice cubes and sparkling water.

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