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Absolute Best Tests

The Absolute Best Way to Cook a Hot Dog, According to So Many Tests

Spiral-cut? Boiled in beer? Microwaved? Columnist Ella Quittner sets out to find the ultimate hot dog.

May 18, 2021
Photo by Julia Gartland. Prop Stylist: Ali Slagle. Food Stylist: Pearl Jones.

In Absolute Best Tests, writer Ella Quittner destroys the sanctity of her home kitchen in the name of truth. She's mashed dozens of potatoes, seared more porterhouse steaks than she cares to recall, and tasted enough types of bacon to concern a cardiologist. Today, she tackles hot dogs.

One Sunday in February 2014, at Seattle’s Fremont Market, six customers spent $169 apiece on a hot dog unlike any other.

The bunned-up sausage, proffered by the now-defunct Seattle food truck Tokyo Dog, holds the Guinness title for World’s Most Expensive Hot Dog to this day. According to records, the Juuni Ban was a Bavarian sausage “infused with cheddar” and served on buttered, toasted brioche, topped with seared maitakes, foie gras, Wagyu beef, black truffles, onions, and caviar. (Tokyo Dog’s signature offering—the same dog with a more humble garnish—was a paltry $8, by comparison.)

I stumbled upon the hulking Juuni Ban seven years later while researching the best way to cook a hot dog for Absolute Best Tests. While I wasn’t able to reach Tokyo Dog’s owners, Eugene Woo and Samson Kwong, to talk cook methods, I was able to unearth a 28-minute video from August 2014, in which cheerful host Asha Leo visits the truck for a full procedural run-through.

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“NO KETCHUP. EVER. Full stop”
— Steve

In the video, the dog-slinging duo notes that they spent three months developing the Juuni Ban, which sometimes spurts melted cheese at its handler. Their cook method was simple but effective: They first warmed the cheddar-suffused specimen in metal containers of hot water—likely to decrease the risk of a cheese explosion—before transferring it to a hot grill, where they rotated it over an open flame until it reached an internal temperature of 160°F.

Though I had no plans to offload my own wares for hundreds of dollars, I took solace in the Tokyo Dog method because it affirmed a hunch: When cooking a hot dog, simplicity is key. No special equipment was employed, no TikTok hacks called in, and still, a dog of great global import was produced. Given that my own trials would be cheddar-free, I figured I could skip the water-warming step, though I did add a dramatic double-underline to “Grill” on my list of methods.

Toward the end of that Tokyo Dog segment, the host lifts the infant-sized frank to her mouth, declaring gleefully, “Oh, the memes that are going to come from this!” After a few moments’ consideration, she takes a small bite while the dog’s creators chant “chew, chew, chew.” Several tense seconds pass as she masticates, before she declares the World’s Most Expensive Hot Dog both “incredible” and “amazing.”

With that as my benchmark—and after confirming that there was absolutely no one in the vicinity to chant “chew, chew, chew”—I set out to test nine methods of hot dog cookery.


I used all-beef hot dogs for every trial. For the sanctity of results, I did initial tasting rounds sans condiments, but I would like the record to show that my preferred toppings are ketchup, yellow mustard, and raw diced onion, and that if you’re going to serve me a hot dog on anything but an untoasted Martin’s potato bun, you may as well not invite me.

Photo by Julia Gartland. Prop Stylist: Ali Slagle. Food Stylist: Pearl Jones.

Round One: To Slice or Not to Slice?

The Findings

For the juiciest hot dog, do not slice it. This does invite risk, as hot dogs with no vent for steam may explode in specific conditions—but I think it’s a risk worth taking. (Especially if, like me, you are cooking hot dogs that contain no molten cheese.)

The No Cut hot dogs produced by my Round One trials were noticeably juicier (and larger, having retained more liquid) than the Spiral-Cut and Slashed hot dogs, with the Slashed hot dogs in second place.

If juiciness is less of a priority than aesthetic appeal, you may consider embracing the Spiral-Cut, which elicited a not-immaterial amount of glee. And if toppings are your greatest priority, turn to the Slashed, which provides a moat for ketchup and mustard to act as glue for tiny chopped toppings like onion, herbs, pickled radish, or crushed potato chips.

The Methods

No Cut

  1. Place a cast-iron skillet over medium-high heat. Add 1 tablespoon of butter.
  2. Once the butter has foamed and the foam has subsided, add 1 hot dog to the skillet.
  3. Sear, shifting every minute or so, until plumped and beginning to brown on each side, 3 to 4 minutes.


  1. Place a cast-iron skillet over medium-high heat. Add 1 tablespoon of butter.
  2. Meanwhile, slice one side of a hot dog lengthwise, about 1/3-inch deep.
  3. Once the butter has foamed and the foam has subsided, add 1 hot dog to the skillet. Sear, shifting every minute or so, until plumped and beginning to brown on each side, 3 to 4 minutes.


  1. Place a cast-iron skillet over medium-high heat. Add 1 tablespoon of butter.
  2. Meanwhile, slice a hot dog crosswise in a spiral pattern, about 1/3-inch deep.
  3. Once the butter has foamed and the foam has subsided, add 1 hot dog to the skillet. Sear, shifting every minute or so, until plumped and beginning to brown on each side, 3 to 4 minutes.

Round Two: How to Cook a Hot Dog

The Findings

For a well-browned hot dog with notes of campfire, consider the Roast Over Flame or Grill methods. Both produced tender specimens with well-seared casings that carried extra scorchy flavors, beyond the standard salty, meaty ones. (For a well-browned dog with notes only of browned butter, simply Stovetop Sear.)

For the juiciest, most flavorful dog, Boil in Beer, and you’ll end up with a plump contender that tastes more like a hot dog than any other hot dog. For an exceptionally juicy dog with muted flavor—for when you’d like condiments to really shine—Boil in Water. Despite the stigma, both methods resulted in plump hot dogs with especially plush interiors, closer in texture to a great Weisswurst than to the rubbery dogs of childhood cafeterias.

For a hot dog that best impersonates one you’d get at a ballpark or from those mesmerizing rotating racks at a convenience store, consider using your Slow Cooker, if you’ve got 4 hours to spare. (Note: This is apparently similar to the method employed by Nathan’s, the morning of their annual hot-dog-eating contest.)

You can skip the Microwave, which yielded an unusually tough casing and caused the hot dog to burst, as well as the Stovetop Steam & Sear, which resulted in less browning on the outside, and an interior that was no juicier than the Stovetop Sear.

The Methods

Stovetop Sear

  1. Place a cast-iron skillet over medium-high heat. Add 1 tablespoon of butter.
  2. Once the butter has foamed and the foam has subsided, add 1 hot dog to the skillet.
  3. Sear, shifting every minute or so, until plumped and beginning to brown on each side, 3 to 4 minutes.

Stovetop Steam & Sear

  1. Add water to a cast-iron skillet until it rises about 1/2 inch up the sides.
  2. Place the skillet over medium-high heat and cook until the water begins to boil.
  3. Add 1 hot dog to the pan along with 1 tablespoon of butter. Sear on each side until the water has boiled off and the hot dog is plump and beginning to brown.


Adapted from Food52.

  1. Bring a small pot of water to a boil.
  2. Add 1 hot dog. Boil uncovered for 4 to 6 minutes, until the hot dog has plumped up on all sides.
  3. Remove with tongs and drain on a paper-towel-lined plate.

Boil in Beer

Adapted from My Gourmet Connection.

  1. Empty a few cans of beer into a small pot and bring to a boil.
  2. Add 1 hot dog. Boil uncovered for 4 to 6 minutes, until the hot dog has plumped up on all sides.
  3. Remove with tongs and drain on a paper-towel-lined plate.


  1. Heat the grill to medium-high.
  2. Add 1 hot dog to the grill, rolling onto a new side every minute or so, until evenly browned and cooked through, 3 to 4 minutes total.

Oven Roast

  1. Heat the oven to 400°F.
  2. Place a hot dog in a roasting pan or on a rimmed sheet pan.
  3. Roast the hot dog for about 15 minutes, until plumped and beginning to brown.


  1. Place a hot dog on a heatproof plate lined with paper towels.
  2. Microwave on high for 45 seconds to 1 minute, until the center of the hotdog is warm to the touch.

Slow Cook

Adapted from Boulder Locavore.

  1. Add a hot dog to the slow cooker, leaning upright against the slow cooker’s inner wall for support. Do not add water!
  2. Cook on low setting for 4 hours.

Roast Over Flame

  1. Thread a metal skewer through a hot dog.
  2. Hold it over an open flame, such as one of your burners set on high, or a campfire.
  3. Rotate the hot dog every 30 seconds or so, until browned and cooked through, 2 to 3 minutes total.

What should Ella test next? Let us know in the comments, or send her a message here.

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Ella Quittner

Written by: Ella Quittner

Ella Quittner is a contributing writer and the Absolute Best Tests columnist at Food52. She covers food, travel, wellness, lifestyle, home, novelty snacks, and internet-famous sandwiches. You can follow her on Instagram @equittner, or Twitter at @ellaquittner. She also develops recipes for Food52, and has a soft spot for all pasta, anything spicy, and salty chocolate things.


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Melissa December 15, 2023
I can't wait to use this in my High School culinary class to show the different methods of cooking and how they affect taste and texture! Great Project!
Danaq45 December 14, 2023
Air fry
Susan D. December 14, 2023
I just want to know who made the rule: mustard for a dog, and ketchup for a burger-only. Asking for a friend.
2tattered December 14, 2023
God. God made that rule.
Smaug August 8, 2024
What kind of person would put ketchup on a burger?
JoeJoeHW December 14, 2023
You could also try microwaving in beer using a Glass meatloaf container with lid on loose.
WilliamNiver September 25, 2023
I am late to the party, but nonetheless, my thoughts and preferences follow.
BEST DOG: Nathan's is my everyday go-to. Locally stuffed sausages from the butcher are usually better, but you have to taste before committing. BEST COOKING METHOD: A combination of techniques. Having tried all mentioned on this site, I return to the method I learned as a kid: Don't puncture the skin. I prefer beer boiling (2 cans of a good German or Czech Pilsner beer for four minutes followed by a soak in the cooling liquid.). Then remove the sausages, wipe them to remove all external liquids, and gently roll them back and forth in hot butter. Once they take on a universal color of brown and tan, it's time to start planning toppings. I say this: your food, your dime, your preferences, your choice. The attempted imposition of the party line on adventurous eaters is as stupid and evil as are the party members themselves enforcing food edicts on aberant eaters. If you are aware of what you do and the effects of what you advocate, you can't go wrong.
nauman-khalid July 25, 2023
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Austin B. June 19, 2023
Your steam-sear method is poor, which is why you're missing the best way to cook them. 1/4 cup of water in a pot just bigger than the hot-dog. Medium heat for 7-10 minutes until the water boils off. 1 minute of caramelization in the pan. Absolute perfection.
Chas373 June 19, 2023
And what's your preferred brand of Hot Dog are you using?
vlones May 26, 2023
Air. Fryer.
Add THAT to your testing. It makes everything better.
Nora R. May 29, 2023
Deep fried is best. There used to be a Chicago hot dog trailer in Austin and it was the best option.
Chas373 May 29, 2023
In Connecticut that was the way most places made Hot Dogs. Fried in the fryer and then rolled around on the griddle for a few seconds to remove excess oil then plopped on the bun. Excellent way to cook them.
Nora R. May 29, 2023
That's awesome. You can also get a "francheezie" in Chicago. They take a hot dog, stuff it with cheese, wrap it with bacon and deep fry it.
Chas373 May 29, 2023
I'm not very fond of cheese on a hot dog but I'd give it a try. Maybe I'd like them.
JeffBuckley May 24, 2023
Oh where to begin? Let me get the bun out of the way, first. Martin's supported right wing nut job Doug Mastriano, so they are not getting my cash, and a "New England style" bun with flat sides that can be toasted in a pan with butter is in this chef's estimation, a way better option. I mean, butter, come on.
Secondly, if you grab a cast iron pan, put a few tablespoons of butter in it, turn it up to medium and toss in the dogs and buns, flip after sufficient browning/toasting and you will have perfection in about 5 minutes. That's it. Top it with whatever you like, I don't care.
Nena May 29, 2023
What does Doug Mastriano have to do with it? Lol!
Judith M. June 24, 2023
Thank you for pointing out the Doug Mastriano connection. I was sorry to abandon Martin's delicious buns, but in no way could my $$$ go to help a company finance election-deniers and racists like Mastriano.

Beth G. May 24, 2023
My favorite way to eat a hot dog is to smother it in ketchup and eat it while staring directly into the eyes of someone pontificating about the "correct" condiments to use on a hot dog. Something about their displeasure juxtaposed with my obvious enjoyment just sends it over the top.
Chas373 May 24, 2023
😂😂 In the Dictionary, next to the term Passive-Aggressive is a picture of YOU. For that matter you might as well go the whole way and say you also add relish too; thus ensuring their quick demise instead a of a long drawn out journey to eternity. 😂😂
Smaug May 24, 2023
They used to have- and for all I know still do- TV shows all about people eating various disgusting things, which evidently many found entertaining. You're probably going to have to go past ketchup to get the audience's attention, though- have you tried them with maggots?
Steve May 26, 2023
ANYTHING smothered in ketchup just tastes like ketchup
2tattered August 8, 2024
Including maggots🤣😂
Smaug May 5, 2023
Fried in butter? Ketchup? Raw buns? Why should a hot dog be "juicy"? (presumably meaning dripping in grease).
Nikita September 6, 2022
I'd love to read—or even write, for that matter—a follow-up to this, ranking the best prep for hot dog buns. You mention the untoasted bun, but I feel the exact opposite way: I'd be very disappointed if someone gave me a hot dog in a raw, cold bun. In fact, I hardly ever eat hot dogs except at home, when I can make sure it's 100% to my liking.

I like a steamed bun, I enjoy a griddled one from time to time, but my go-to is wrapping the bun in foil and popping it into the oven while I cook the dog. That ensures that the whole package stays nice and hot.
Chas373 September 6, 2022
For me the absolute best bun is a Martin's Potato Long Roll (hot dog bun) What I prefer doing is to lightly butter them on both sides. then on a griddle or fry pan place butter side down. Cook over medium heat till they are a nice golden brown but not dark brown. Then place hot dog in the bun and if you are living dangerously a few crispy bacon bits. Add mustard and some chopped raw white onion as it's sweet to eat raw rather tyhsan yellow onions. The bun is still very soft, moist and warm plus you have some extra flavor of the toasted butter It's a winner Oh and I also use Dijon mustard. If you like chili dogs this is a great way to have them just add Chili instead of the mustard and you can still use the chopped onion. If you like spicy then instead of regular mustard you could use a liberal amount of a fiery Caribbean style mustard based sauce made with habaneros. No matter what the Martins bun with a good quality frank will add to your hot dog experience.
joanna September 4, 2022
I prefer boiled or steamed. A hot dog that is well grilled or browned in a cast iron pan screams its saltiness.
Carmen September 2, 2022
Air Fryer, 4 minutes. Wrap buns in foil and place in bottom to heat perfectly at the same time.

Please don’t start aluminum foil shaming…you can clean and reuse the same piece several times before adding it to recycling.
Nikita September 6, 2022
We almost always have a stack of gently used foil sheets on top of the air fryer. Wrapping a bread product in one barely dirties it, so why not reuse?
LoneWolfFoody April 6, 2023
Yeah I'm not reusing foil. it's cheap and I don't care what others say
David G. September 2, 2022
Boiled in champagne.
Andrew S. June 26, 2022
Start on the grill to brown, then finish in the oven in a pan of sauerkraut which keeps them moist.

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