Make Ahead
Tahini-Chocolate Chunk Overnight Oats
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12 Reviews
November 5, 2023
Love this recipe. I add a bit of chia seeds to bulk it up a bit but other than that, follow it to a T. Its not too sweet, the chocolate chunks provide a nice crunch. I love it as a healthy dessert option after dinner!
May 28, 2023
I liked this cold. I used chocolate chips, and I like the crunch of them versus warming it and melting them. I also like that it’s only slightly sweet.
Susan A.
January 15, 2022
Thanks y'all for suggesting less milk. What a treat to have breakfast ready made. I too heated this dish and enjoyed. Getting ready to put it together for the second time.
July 10, 2021
I subbed some chocolate chips for the chunks, since that's what I had on hand, and I didn't include the maple syrup, because I thought it was plenty sweet, but otherwise I followed the recipe exactly and I thought it was great! I did pop it in the microwave just long enough to take the chill off. Next time, I may be a little light handed with the milk (1/2 cup made for an almost runny version the next morning), but this will be a regular breakfast option.
March 10, 2020
This is delicious and really hearty. I used cocoa nibs, as I was too tired to bother cutting up chocolate. It worked well and made it overall lower in sugar. I'm looking forward to this recipe for many breakfasts. Thank you!
Ashley L.
January 13, 2020
This is so delicious. I heated mine up in the microwave and then added sliced banana. It's decadent and so very warming.
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