Butternut Squash
$5 Butternut Squash Pasta
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3 Reviews
November 21, 2022
I really enjoyed this, but my husband… not so much. It made much more than the 2 servings the recipe stated, so I reheated the leftovers a couple of days later in a frying pan with a little olive oil, some salt and a pinch of nutmeg. I thought it was really yummy that way.
February 20, 2021
It was really good, and as a Friday meal during lent was just what I needed to add to my recipe repertoire. One question, in the picture above, the squash is much darker than mine was. Should I saute it after I blanch it?
February 20, 2021
It was really good, and as a Friday meal during lent was just what I needed to add to my recipe repertoire. One question, in the picture above, the squash is much darker than mine was. Should I sautee it after I blanch it?
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