Make Ahead
Beet Gratin with Gruyère and Thyme
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12 Reviews
October 3, 2019
I made this last night, and everyone liked it. I used a smoked cheddar for the cheese and a combo of golden and red beets. I also added rosemary with the thyme. Thank for sharing this recipe. I will be making it again.
November 16, 2010
What a wonderful idea! I love how this recipe sounds and how it looks. My husband can't stand beets, but that will work out just fine when I make these: more for me :-)
November 12, 2010
"goopiness" - heaven forbid. This elegant recipe is due on our table very soon!
November 12, 2010
That is just gorgeous. I, too, had to learn to love beets, but now I can't get enough. This will be gracing our dinner table soon.
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