5 Ingredients or Fewer
Caprese en Carrozza
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6 Reviews
Bani D.
February 23, 2019
I really liked it! But instead of kosher salt which I dont have at home, I used a garlic salt I have which added a little extra.
September 3, 2018
I really enjoyed. Tweaked by adding bacon & smoke/grilled on my Traeger.
August 27, 2018
Sometimes the classics really should just be left alone. This was not good. The egg didn’t work at all for a grilled cheese. I’m a huge fan of food52 normally, so I was super disappointed.
Emma L.
August 28, 2018
Hi Callan—so sorry to hear that! The egg adds a custardy quality, like mozzarella en carrozza or French toast. But it's not for everyone! Here's a more classic grilled cheese that I love and hope you will too: https://food52.com/recipes/29523-gabrielle-hamilton-s-grilled-cheese-sandwiches
September 7, 2018
I'm sorry to hear that you didn't;'t like the egg. I love it on grilled cheese, but I use a good sharp cheddar rather than mozzarella. Tomato, big leaves of garden basil nice, rich, sharp cheddar and sourdough bread. And an egg. I like to lay the cheese over the egg just after I flip it. take the pan off the stove, then put a lid on it. The cheese melts nicely. I usually toast the sourdough bread and add a little mayo and ground pepper, sliced tomatoes. Build my sandwich. Amazing. A lice or two of nice red onion really sends it over the top!
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