Pisto Manchego With Eggs
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17 Reviews
August 31, 2020
My family loved it! I added in a little bit of cilantro, followed the Rioja method of stirring in scrambled eggs, and added some Manchego cheese. It was like ratatouille met migas - delicious! Served with baguette.
September 1, 2020
I can't vouch for authenticity, but we love this recipe on Food52: I use tortilla chips instead of corn tortilla strips just because I always have them in the pantry.
Helen M.
August 26, 2020
This was quick and easy and delicious. I made it with yellow pepper and baby zucchini because that's what I had. I dumped some baby tomatoes that needed eating and tinned tomatoes (southern hemisphere, wrong season) instead of fresh. My housemates had fried eggs, and I had fried tofu on top of mine, with thickly sliced Jim Lahey bread. We were very happy!
August 24, 2020
Made this for tonight’s dinner and it taste great, everything from my garden! I even had a small eggplant that I peeled and added. Of course being from New Mexico, I just had to add a couple of roasted green chili’s, ( I think it’s the law here you have to put green chili’s in everything , lol)
Serving it with grilled sea bass.
Serving it with grilled sea bass.
Karen B.
August 23, 2020
So...Is there no Manchego cheese in this? If you can put it in, when? Over the eggs?
Caitlin G.
August 24, 2020
Nope! This version of the recipe happens to come from the same region of Spain as the beloved cheese, La Mancha. If you add, I'd say at the very end.
August 23, 2020
Made this for tonight’s dinner and it taste great, everything from my garden. I even had a small eggplant that I peeled and added. Of course being from New Mexico, I just had to add a couple of roasted green chili’s, ( I think it’s the law here you have to put green chili’s in everything , lol)
Serving it with grilled sea bass.
Serving it with grilled sea bass.
Basil A.
August 23, 2020
Love the notes on the history of this dish and simplicity of the recipe, can't wait to give it a try! On a side note, what is the gorgeous white pan with the wooden handle the pisto is photographed/shown in? Is it Dansk and available in your shop?
August 23, 2020
Anything with onion, tomatoes and an egg on top, has my vote. Loved this piece. And looking forward to making this for a lazy Sunday breakfast next weekend.
August 16, 2020
I made this yesterday with vegetables from our garden. Delicious, and so easy. I made some croutons toasted with olive oil to top it. I see this as a year-round quick supper with our frozen tomatoes and grocery store zucchini.
August 17, 2020
We have an ample tomato crop this year, freezing lots of Romas. I can see this with a generous pinch of crushed red pepper flakes being a great January meal, as well as one I'll repeat as long as the garden lasts this fall. In NC,, it can last quite a while.
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