Double Chocolate Weed Brownies
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36 Reviews
September 25, 2023
I have read your post very carefully and I just want to say that the information you shared is great and I have learned a lot from it. I will make it tonight and enjoy it while playing girls games.
April 28, 2023
Great recipe with some minor tweaks. Thank you!!
All of the self righteous out there…plant medicine WAS medicine until the money-backed Flexner Report of 1910 and the introduction of Big Pharma at that time. Now here many are in our country, sicker and unhealthier than ever. Wake up. Do some research. Educate yourself. Don’t be sheep. God created plants, not pills.
All of the self righteous out there…plant medicine WAS medicine until the money-backed Flexner Report of 1910 and the introduction of Big Pharma at that time. Now here many are in our country, sicker and unhealthier than ever. Wake up. Do some research. Educate yourself. Don’t be sheep. God created plants, not pills.
March 23, 2023
I got the same result as other reviews. Liquid after 25 min, nowhere near enough flour. What a waste of weed :(
Monkey D.
October 30, 2022
Easy to follow recipe. I did sub dark brown sugar for molasses as I was out. It's worth letting the mixed batter sit for 15 minutes at room temp to let the batter hydrate. I used slightly room temp butter (and didn't pour off the water), and it was still a very dry dough after combining (without overmixing).
Also, it may be good to mix the wet ingredients at low, or for a bit less time as I ended up with a very airy mixture more like buttercream after 5 minutes. If you want crispier brownies, using a 9" x 9" pan helps. Just keep an eye as they'll bake a bit faster. Overall, solid recipe that I kept on-hand regardless. Happy baking.
Also, it may be good to mix the wet ingredients at low, or for a bit less time as I ended up with a very airy mixture more like buttercream after 5 minutes. If you want crispier brownies, using a 9" x 9" pan helps. Just keep an eye as they'll bake a bit faster. Overall, solid recipe that I kept on-hand regardless. Happy baking.
Incredible E.
June 14, 2022
This was my first time making anything from scratch or any type of edible. I followed your recipe exactly, which was not that complicatged for someone that is use to making box cakes. I have to say they were the best brownies I ever had and all my friends felt the same. The one thing I changed was, after straining the butter and weed through a thin metal strainer whatever remained I scraped off the strainer and through into a quick fudge recipe so nothing was waisted. The fudge was amazing and had about 4mg of THC in a one inch piece. They were also a big hit!
January 30, 2022
Well after a diagnoses ofALs,I truly know the disaster I'm approaching, laaaaast things I want to live by is opiods or any other painnn meds, so 1. This receipe might ease some physical pain and allows the very exost
January 30, 2022
Existence in the last days, thc willl allow me to eat n have a better quality of life
February 8, 2022
Go ahead with this. My mom had ALS and, against all prognosis, lived with the condition and no medication for 20 years. She was from another generation and sadly considered consuming cannabis was "against her principles" (she was a strong-willed woman until the very end). But I know it would have helped her a lot to cope with ALS. Nevertheless, I also wanted to let you know that what I believe helped her survive for so long was her daily consumption of 100% grape juice (she used Welch's brand). I think it was because of the antioxidants it contains. I wish you the best.
October 28, 2021
This recipe did not work for me at all. It became super liquidy and bubbling. Needed more flour! Such a waste of the weed
December 10, 2022
There no way you did it wrong. I make this recipe 2-3 times per week and get nothing but great compliments
Ann O.
August 12, 2021
Ok. Math question. Straight division this is WAY off. 1g=1000mg. 1000mg divided by 16 brownies is 62.5mg per brownie. Are you confirming that the butter infusion process only absorbs less than 20% of the THC? Or 160mg? 160/16 gets you your 10 so why doesn’t the recipe call for that amount? Having never made my own edibles I have no desire to end up with 60+ mg of ANYTHING when I’m already aiming to cut your infused butter by 75% and make up the deficit with plain butter. Thanks in advance for your clarification. As for a second plain batch - too many brownies is always better than too few.
Vanessa L.
August 12, 2021
Hi Ann, 1g does = 1000mg, but weed is never 100% THC even distillate is at most 90% THC which would be 900mg per gram. Unless lab testing is provided the potency of buds or flower is a guesstimate at best. I based the math on 20% THC or 200mg of THC per gram of flower with a 20% loss because the decarboxylation and infusion process always has loss. Hope this helps explain the math!
August 1, 2021
Hi. I know that pot is still very controversial, I’m not a fan and don’t use it for anything, but I have a friend who is desperate for pain relief without all the nasty side effects of chemical prescription drugs. I’m hoping to make her a batch of these. No one is really helping her or seems to care. She is lonely and depressed. Thank you foe the recipe. I am a Christian woman by the way and don’t condone this just for fun. But even weed has it’s purpose. Thank you. God bless.
Vanessa L.
August 2, 2021
Hi there! I hope this recipe helps your friend with her pain relief. She’s lucky to have a friend like you who cares ♥️
July 28, 2021
we made this brownie recipe with and without the weed. best brownies we've ever had. 10/10. love you.
April 1, 2021
Kathy and Thomas, leaving their judgy little comments after a glass or three of Chablis.
Kathy M.
March 23, 2021
Really! You have stooped to this on your wonderful site...very disappointed with you.
Vanessa L.
March 23, 2021
Hi Kathy,
These brownies taste great with or without the special ingredient. Feel free to make them how you like and enjoy!
These brownies taste great with or without the special ingredient. Feel free to make them how you like and enjoy!
February 13, 2022
Kathy, up until recently, I would have agreed with your comment. However, my husband has recently been diagnosed with a degenerative nerve disease and I am desperate for a way to relieve his pain without opioids. I have been told of the benefits of cannabis and would rather make my own. If I need to make a recipe of this sort, I know Food 52 will have a quality recipe. Believe me, a year ago, I would never have thought I'd be searching for a recipe of this sort.
November 21, 2022
Wow. Your ignorance is amazing. Research, do your homework. Marajuana is safer than ANY, pharmaceutical medicine, plus safer than ALL alcohols. I’m just assuming you like one of those two smh. An all natural, zero additives, mainly organic plant must be absolutely horrible. We should just make it illegal everywhere and throw anyone in jail who even thinks of using it to help their appetite from cancer, depression, anxiety, insomnia, and the list keeps going. But I’m sure your liver loves that Alcohol and medication the pharmacy dishes out. Ignorance, learn something new. Open your mind and expand new horizons.
Thomas O.
March 21, 2021
Really???!!! Now Food52 has gone to pot brownies,,,disappointed.
March 22, 2021
Why not? It's a legitimate growth market, even marginally trendy. They publish cocktail recipes and regularly advise eating crippling amounts of butter , salt and animal fat- what's the harm in some green brownies?
February 13, 2022
Thomas. As I said to Kathy above, up until recently, I would have agreed with your comment. However, my husband has recently been diagnosed with a degenerative nerve disease and I am desperate for a way to relieve his pain without opioids. I have been told of the benefits of cannabis and would rather make my own. If I need to make a recipe of this sort, I know Food 52 will have a quality recipe. Believe me, a year ago, I would never have thought I'd be searching for a recipe of this sort.
November 21, 2022
Your ignorance is amazing. Open your mind. Research. Don’t assume what you’ve been told. Very closed way of thinking about a PLANT, that’s helping millions if not 1/2 billion people on this planet right now.
See what other Food52ers are saying.