Ham & Cheese Sliders With Dijon Butter
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2 Reviews
Melissa Y.
February 26, 2023
Crazy easy, packable and satisfies the “had some fun last night” hangover breakfast. We’ve made this a ton and the only modification is to put the everything bagel seasoning inside the sandwich right before the top layer of bread to make it less messy. It’s counterintuitive but doesn’t leave seeds all over your picnic/beach blanket. It’s also great with a fried egg on top (thought to be fair, that is true for almost every savory food)!
May 13, 2022
My mom used to make these for parties in the 80s! It may be a Southern thing, as the only other people I know who talk about these are Southern too. Used poppy seeds as there was no bagel seasoning sold as such back then. The butter crisps up the tops and bottoms of the rolls, and don't skip the pickles. Make a lot, as they go fast.
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