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Smashed Pea Guacamole with Cilantro, Ginger and Lime
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21 Reviews
Jen S.
July 5, 2015
I love peas and I think this sounds great. I also laughed at all the outrage over the NYT twitter post. That said, without being dramatic: Can we please just not call it guacamole?
June 18, 2014
As a native Texan, I say this is SACRILEGE! Much as I love green peas, nobody should call this recipe GUACAMOLE because it is NOT.
April 28, 2014
i make a lovely summer cold soup using avocado and peas... 1 lg ripe avocado, 1 cp frozen baby peas, 1.5 sps chicken stock, 3 finely sliced scallions (no dark green) 3 T ;emon jujice, 1/3 cp sour cream, salt, pepper. combine all & blend; chill. serve with dollop of salsa. recipe from "Seriously Simple" by D.R.Worthington
Tamara M.
April 6, 2014
The texture comes out completely different if you use thawed frozen peas vs. fresh and just tossing them in a blender. Take Mrs. Currie's advice and at least blanch the fresh ones first or they are too chunky. Also, just blanching softens them enough so they'll blend better but also brings out more of the flavor. The peas aren't for stretching the avocado, (I don't think-they are quite pricey on their own), but to give a bit of an unexpected twist to the flavor of Spring in a dip, no?
April 3, 2014
This stuff is yummy. My toddler loves it, and I don't mind him eating by the spoonful! I made it for a mommy get-together. It was being served with chips, and one of the women asked me for a plate and a spoon and proceeded to sit and eat it like it was a bowl of ice cream. I sent her home with the recipe.
Valerie T.
January 29, 2014
i think using peas is a great idea to help stretch the quantity of guac on a budget.
Chef K.
June 19, 2013
I agree Nancy! What's up with all this pea stuff? I really like peas but it seems like Food 52 is going a little overboard. What's wrong with just plain ole guacamole??? The only thing different is using peas along with the avocados. Hardly, the "best" dip.
Mrs C.
June 19, 2013
There's nothing wrong with 'plain ole guacamole' for sure and this is not a new recipe. Lots of places served and many people dined on this in London cafes and gastro pubs back in the early naughty's. I make it to this day although I blanch my peas briefly. It's light, sweet and tangy. Perhaps it shouldn't be called 'guacamole' though - LOL
Chef K.
June 20, 2013
Very interesting, Mrs. Currie. ( I like the comment about the "early naughty's" LOL!
June 19, 2013
Lori1528 I found this recipe tho I have not tried it:
June 19, 2013
I live overseas where the avacodos are extremely poor quality and very expensive, very much a hit and miss, could I just omit them and use more peas or is there other good substitute. Thanks
June 19, 2013
Hilarious ... my Mom used to make this in the 80's. Called it "Pea-mole." We all laughed and headed to the store for avocados.
June 19, 2013
very excited to try this out - peas are just coming in to season, and while i love them fresh out of the pod, this looks tasty.
Nancy M.
June 11, 2013
I've noticed a lot of recipes lately involving mashed or pureed peas. I can't think of many things that look less appealing.
February 17, 2011
made this last night... really good. used Trader Joe's minced ginger and guessed that maybe a TBS would equal a piece. I might have used more. will be interested to see what it's like tonight, after it's been sitting.
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