Rustic Key Lime Pudding, With A Little Help From Meyer
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30 Reviews
January 18, 2012
missed this the first time around! it's beautiful, and i love love the garnish ideas
February 22, 2011
My Meyers are ripening and tree is loaded - everybody is welcome to stop by in San Diego for a bagful!
February 22, 2011
This sounds outstanding. I can't find key limes but Costco is selling Meyer Lemons and they are easily bought. I have to try this.
February 22, 2011
They had big bags of key limes at my local Asian grocery. I don't know if you have any Asian grocers nearby, but if so you might want to give it a look.
February 22, 2011
I am sure this would also be good with lemon, even plain lemon; it would be good with plain limes, but there is just something about Meyer's lemon and key limes that has me so hooked, I do not know what I will do when they are not available in my market!
February 21, 2011
Although your recipe looks perfect as is, I'd love to try it with Meyer lemon juice instead of the key limes...
February 22, 2011
Thanks, ltc. That's why I went on to make my later pudding with Meyer and muscovado with a touch of chestnut flour!
February 20, 2011
Looks amazing - love the flavor combination and use of honey and Greek yogurt! I love key lime anything, and this sounds divine.
February 20, 2011
Thanks, kmartinelli. I agree that key lime anything is pretty wonderful!
February 20, 2011
I love your use of yogurt and honey in this with no sweetened condensed milk. It sounds delicious and like a burst of sunshine!
February 20, 2011
Thanks, tk! It is a healthier version. Now I am experimenting with the leftover yolks and chestnut flour with a baked pudding. Jury is still out. Also just made tuile using only olive oil, no butter, with the chestnut flour.
February 19, 2011
This sounds very yummie! I like key lime pie, however I think this might be better.
February 19, 2011
What a great idea! Then you can use up the egg whites that way. I was making graham crackers, but the tuile would be more delicate, and a great contrast for the rustic creaminess of the yogurt. The condensed milk version I think would be better with a cracker.
February 19, 2011
I almost bought a bag of key limes at the Asian market yesterday, and now I wish I had! This sounds really nice, and I bet it would be great as an ice cream.
February 19, 2011
Thanks, hla. I just remembered that I had a great commercial key lime ice cream this summer that had graham crackers crumbled up in it. I want to keep the pudding more pure. The zest is the only texture I want in it.
February 19, 2011
Oh, yeah! Was it the Ciao Bella gelato? I'd forgotten about it, but it's really, really good. I wonder if you could make a graham version of a tuile to serve with this pudding?
February 19, 2011
Thanks and yes it was Ciao Bella. I could not find graham flour, so I am going to try chestnut flour to make tuile!
February 19, 2011
OK, I made a chestnut maple tuile that is also posted now! Thanks so much for all the inspiration. Another reason why I love this site so much.
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