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Carrot Ginger Pumpkin Soup
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10 Reviews
October 27, 2020
I added more curry, less water, and a can of full-fat coconut milk. Delish!
Jessica B.
September 23, 2020
My husband had been having some acid reflux issues lately, so I was looking for something other than the leftover, tomato-based brunswick stew to make him for dinner. Not only are carrots and pumpkin naturally alkaline, but we happened to have a few carrots on the edge of going off and some frozen pumpkin thawing in the fridge (that we roasted and froze last year. Pumpkin keeps forever in the freezer). I had to use reconstituted dried onion and powered ginger, and I added some corn starch in a slurry to thicken it a little. It turned out great! That, alone with some ginger-apple-bluberry oatmeal for breakfast cleared his acid reflux right up!
April 2, 2019
Thank you for sharing this recipe, I think the ingredients shown in this recipe makes it very tasty.
January 12, 2019
I tweaked this a bit. I added about one and a half cups of half and half, and about 2t sugar. Everyone loved it.
October 3, 2016
I found this a bit bland and even a bit bitter so I added some pumpkin pie spice and brown sugar. Sounds really weird I know but it was delicious! I garnished with creme fraiche.
December 13, 2015
Sauteed onions and carrots with 1/4 tsp hot curry & 1/4 tsp sweet curry. Lovely.
August 20, 2014
This looks great. Could you give a little more guidance on the ginger root? One square inch after peeling? 1/2 square inch after peeling? Thanks so much!
November 7, 2013
Delicious, we decided to cook the carrots with the onions a bit before adding broth pumpkin and water so they would tender up faster. We also enjoyed with some homemade garlic bread. The flavors were glorious.
November 7, 2013
That sounds amazing! Gonna try that next time :) i add a little parmesan on top sometimes and the garlic bread sounds magnificent! Thanks for the comment :)
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