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November 7, 2024
Elevate your everyday snacks into a delicious party mix with just a few simple ingredients, retro bowl and steps, perfect for any occasion.
Yvonne S.
September 13, 2017
Why didn't I trust you on the rye chips?? I thought it would be different, but no! Augh. Next time. Like in 3 hours... :)
Julie A.
October 16, 2014
Rye chips?? Those are our favorite! haha I wish I could find a place to buy a bag of them. Never thought about corn chips in it or making sweet at home. Great ideas!
August 24, 2014
I make the mix like my grandmother's but organic, vegan, and gluten-free so that everyone in the family can eat it. I use whatever cereals and crackers meet my criteria (vegan/gluten-free pretzels are fabulous!) and coconut oil with seasoning my family likes.
July 28, 2014
please, just stop the nonsense. you give a whole list of instructions and ingredients - THAT IS A RECIPE!
January 29, 2014
I have what I think is the original recipe from General Mills because it came from my mother and she made it while we were growing up in the 1960's. The seasoning in my recipe is Beau Monde seasoning with a dash of Worcestershire Sauce. I've never seen another version of the recipe that used Beau Monde Seasoning. But my family loves it.
Patti I.
January 21, 2014
My Chex mix is my Christmas present for everyone in my office and my friends so I make a lot of it. I use corn, rice and wheat chex,Crispex, pretzle sticks, mixed nuts and pecans. My topping is 1 stick butter, 1/2 c. vegetable oil, 1 1/2 Tablespoons Celery salt, 1/8 c. Worcestershire Sauce per large aluminum baking pan. I bake it at 350 and stir every 15 minutes for about 45 minutes to an hour.
January 20, 2014
I did the CHEX mix with my granddaughter. We still had left over CHEX, so we added hot air popcorn and dried cranberries. What a delightful mix that was. Next I want to make an adult curry mix with popcorn, cranberries and pita chips.
Sarah J.
January 20, 2014
For the curry mix, would you use curry powder to flavor the butter? I imagine you could also use curry paste if you really wanted to spice things up! And pita chips sound like a wonderful addition.
Sandy W.
January 20, 2014
Recently I substituted safflower oil for butter and used a Creole seasoning (left over from frying a turkey - yum!) The Creole flavor was spicy but not tongue-numbing hot, and the safflower oil worked just fine. One of my favorite extras is a double handful of sesame snack sticks (mine come from Trader Joe's, but they are ubiquitous.)
January 20, 2014
But but but, rye chips are my favorite!
Sarah J.
January 20, 2014
The great part about this world is, that for as many rye chip-haters like me there are out there, there are just as many rye chip-lovers. April, you can share my Chex Mix anytime!
January 29, 2014
I know. I don't even like rye bread but i love rye chips. I was so surprised to see that! But i remember seeing a friend of mine eating a bag of pretzels and I was like: really? Who buys a bag of pretzels and eats...PRETZELS? Those are the ones that never get eaten in my (store-bought) chex mix.
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