Favorite homemade "TV Dinners" (ie, freeze and bake meals)?
I'm going to visit a friend who just had a baby and want to bring something she can stash in her freezer for a quick and easy homemade dinner at a later date. I was thinking maybe pot pie (I'm eyeing Oui Chef's recipe) or perhaps a baked pasta dish. Nothing spicy and nothing too wintery too eat in July/Aug. (it's N. Cal, so it's not exactly hot, but still...)
And it would be things like meatloaf, baked ham, turkey and dressing in one section. Then standard stuff like green beans, peas and carrots--along with mashed potatoes or rice. All in their sections and vac-packed, seasoned and sealed.
Those heated up nicely for single portion full meals.
The entire plate would be frozen--and then vacpacked. We visited and he had a couple of plates of baked ham, mashed potatoes, and green beans done that way..and it actually pretty good for late night freezer food.
The thing with big single dish frozen stuff is you still have to make veggies and then for a single person..you're faced with taking the entire casserole and tossing it after a few meals.
Oh...another favorite....Cornish pasty. I just gave the last of my "pizza" pasties to a friend who just had surgery. Just filled them with slow simmered bolognese, mozeralla, and green olives. It's easy to eat, esp. for a mother who may be nursing and may have only one hand available. Another filling that always please, is to fill it with some mashed potatoes and cheddar cheese and sauteed onions.
I made a big batch of my favorite and most versatile recipes.
Marinate shallots, onions and herbs in a liberal amount of white wine. Take large pieces of foil, portion a good amount of spinach on each one. Put a boneless chicken breast or a nice piece of salmon. Spoon a good amount of the onions and wine mixture over each piece. Some extras that I like are sun dried tomatoes, olives, capers, hit peppers...feta or goat cheese are nice too. Lastly, if you want to add some blanched asparagus or broccoli on top. Wrap each foil into a tight packet. Store a few in large freezer bags.
They take 25 minutes on 400 for the chickens and 20 minutes on 400 for the salmon to be medium.
Super healthy and easy to make large batches.
I convinced my Captain to let me use our recreational funds to purchase a food saver and food from the local BJ's. I used a galley on a near by barge to make microwavable meals (Which included meat starch and veg) for my crew so they wouldn't suffer for 8 months. It turned out to be a very succesful venture. With no overhead costs on my end, I was able to only charged what we payed for the products (rounded up to the nearest $0.25 increment). The crew got healthy meal options and we raised a few hundred bucks for our recreational fund.
Anyway, enough of a back story :) Some interesting things I did that were a big hit:
1) Steak: I would get the grill really hot and mark the steaks for 20 seconds on each side. the inside was still cold and raw. Vaccume sealed in a food saver bag with some smashed potatoes and blanched vegetables, if I microwaved it on high for 3 minutes, it came out a perfect medium rare. 4-5 minutes gave you medium to medium well, etc... And the veg and potatoes were nicely heated too.
2) Risotto: All in one meal. I would make it the way it was supposed to be. Long and slow, I sat in front of a big pot stirring and stirring and adding stock bit by bit. Add whatever you like to add in your risotto. Cooled then portioned the meal into food saver bags.
3) Lasagna: This one is a given
4) Pasta Alfredo: I cheated and made the sauce with cream and a light roux. This ensured that it would not break in the microwave. I just used tons of garlic and fresh grated parmesan.
3) BBQ chicken: This one ends up a little messy out of the bag, so plan accordingly. I just gave the chicken legs a good douse of BBQ seasoning rub and grilled it (basting with sauce as it cooked). I vaccum sealed it with roasted baby new potatoes and corn on the cob. I would par boil the corn cobs and cut them into thirds so they fit into the bag better.
Hope these help!
Also, cut a steam vent in one of the corners before heating so the bag doesn't explode.