Fresh Corn Spoonbread, Homage to Bologna
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15 Reviews
August 7, 2011
Heavenly breakfast, indeed. I think it would make a heavenly brunch dish. or supper. Or snack .....
August 9, 2011
When I first thought about it, I was envisioning a side dish. But as I was posting it, I realized how good it might be under a tender poached egg. So I tried it last weekend - reheated some of the spoonbread with a little extra cream and set a lovely golden orb atop it. Heavenly!
August 5, 2011
Wonderful! Sure looking forward to more recipes inspired by your trip! We loved our time in Bologna...did you make it over to Modena to visit some of the balsamic houses?
August 5, 2011
Oh, we loved Bologna, too, Lori! No, we didn't make it to Modena, but the daughter plans to go back to Florence next summer (for 3 gasp months), so I imagine there will be opportunities to wander further. I can't say I was totally ready to come back . . .
August 5, 2011
This sounds so delicious. Peppers, corn and cheese . . . all of my favorite summer food groups are represented here! Adding it to my list of recipes to try soon.
August 5, 2011
Wow...a great, delicious comfort food dish! Also, btw, with my running around this week I totally missed F52's handy tip - how to dekernel the corn, so thanks for including that in your head note.
susan G.
August 4, 2011
Assume the photo is for step 5? This is very appealing, with or without step 5!
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