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Minted Feta And Cherry Tomato Salad
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11 Reviews
July 1, 2012
I have been stuck in a mozzarella and tomato rut for WAY too long; en route to get feta now ....
August 16, 2011
Just say feta and I'm there...especially with mint and tomatoes. Yum! I like your wedding cake comment. :)
August 16, 2011
love it! mint is the new basil!
August 16, 2011
Ha ha! I try to keep on the cutting edge (yeah, right :-) but our mint plants are doing great so there ya go!!!
August 15, 2011
This looks soooo good! My son loves feta cheese, and I have an enormous quantity of cherry tomatoes on hand. We're making this!! ;o)
August 16, 2011
Oh good I hope you like it! I just edited so it is clearer that it is one AND a half pints not one half pint of tomatoes :-)
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