5 Ingredients or Fewer
Quick Homemade Puff Pastry
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8 Reviews
January 1, 2025
I have made puff pastry before and it was soooo much work. This was far less labor intensive and the result was just as fabulous.
Nancy L.
September 4, 2013
I love Woodstock! The leaves will be showing there beautiful colors soon.Check out this book "Fast Metabolism Diet" by Haylie Pomroy,Just saying...love to bake,hate to diet,Nancy
September 3, 2013
Thanks Nancy--- I can't wait to try it. I'm on a diet constantly but I'll save up a day's points and let you know how it turns out! Virginia (Woodstock vt)
Nancy L.
September 3, 2013
To Miss N.E., I really made up the recipe after buying it at Italian bakeries. I mad 3 sheets out of the puff pastry recipe from this site. Made Pastry cream for my filling,and thickened with cornstarch my strawberry jam 'with fresh berries cut and added.I didn't put it together until just before serving,so it stayed 5 hours at room temperature.I would like to make it again and use the puff pastry right after it cools.I had this in France and they served it still warm! Oh I did not split my layers as another site said to cover with parchment and lay a cookie sheet on top to get flat sheets,so thats what I did.I used whipped cream for my top but traditionally its powdered sugar sifted heavy over the top. I can't wait to make it again,maybe for my friends 80th birthday.You try it and let me know how yours comes out. Confectionally, Nancy,also from N,E.!!!
Nancy L.
August 22, 2013
Hi, I want to make a Italian pastry that is called "Millefoglie". Will I have enough dough to make two sheets of pastry and can it be split after baking and cooling into a total of four layers? I will be filling each layer with a heavy pastry cream and strawberries mixed with Jam.Will it be ok in the refrigerator for 2 hours??I am asking a lot of questions but if you could help, I would appreciate it! Confectionally yours Nancy Lawlor
May 13, 2012
I gave this recipe to my mom who loves to experiment with different puff pastry recipes. She made individual puff pastry patties filled with smoked fish, and it was spectacular. Flaky and so buttery. A keeper!
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