Grilled Oysters
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7 Reviews
March 16, 2012
I LOVE oysters, especially the small sweet creamy Sydney rock oysters. Thank you. I shall take from this so lovingly given and use it in the future ... probably until I die. Yum!
Loves F.
January 26, 2010
My dad loves raw oysters, and when I was little, he would grill a few up for us squeamish kids and top with a little bbq sauce to be slurped down as we stood next to the grill... this totally brought back those memories! Sounds fantastic!
January 24, 2010
The oysters go right on the grill grate. I use big tongs or an oven mitt to put them down and pick them up. The sheet pan simply makes it easier to carry the oysters to, and, especially, from the grill, when they are ajar and the liquid could escape.
January 24, 2010
I want these right now! Q: do you set the pan on the grill, or place oysters directly on grate?
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