Peaches-n-Herb (Grilled Peaches, Lemon-Thyme Semifreddo, Blueberry Sauce)
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17 Reviews
June 3, 2013
This looks fabulous! I'd forgotten all about this one, and I definitely want to make it :-)
June 11, 2010
I can hardly wait for the peaches to come into season here in the Midwest. Our farmers maket are just now starting to open. This looks delicious and you have my mouth watering for grilled peaches prepared this way.
June 10, 2010
Here comes the weekend - sounds delightful, assuming I can substitute Paficic NW blueberries, and what about lemon thyme, flooding my garden?. Early peaches in SoCa need booze/marinating, not very juicy...Ideas?
June 10, 2010
I'm not a lemon thyme expert, but I'd guess a few leaves would do - they're large, no? Booze - heck yes. Mix with lemon juice and let peaches sit a little longer.
Kitchen B.
June 12, 2010
lemon thyme would be perfect - in fact I no longer buy regular thyme, I always get citroen thyme (as it is known in the Netherlands). The leaves are the same size as your regular thyme, just filled with a heavenly citrusy scent
June 10, 2010
Now I've got, "Reunited" running through my head! Great name and the recipe looks delicious, too.
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