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23 Reviews
Laura P.
August 8, 2013
Made this tonight as the first test of my new ice cream maker. Success! It was delicious. The only tweaks I made were to brown the butter when I clarified it, and to toss a couple pinches of sea salt into the custard.
September 6, 2011
Do you think this recipe could be made into a nice little sweet corn pudding? It could be baked in ramekins and served with grilled chicken or meat. Or fish. Or vegetables (I am a vegetarian.). For this I would decrease the sugar. Your thoughts?
August 30, 2010
wowow...what a recipe that is different from any that I have tasted before and it is so just what I want for the big weekend . While everyone else is slaving over a hot grill roasting corn I will be spooning this nectar straight from the bowl. Do you make a barbeque rib flavor too?
August 28, 2010
I made this today,the recipe was easy to follow and came out beautiful.
At first my family was all EWW,but gamely tried it.They Loved it!
I will make this again for a Labor Day cookout I am planning .
Thanks for a great recipe.
At first my family was all EWW,but gamely tried it.They Loved it!
I will make this again for a Labor Day cookout I am planning .
Thanks for a great recipe.
August 17, 2010
Busy with company, I missed this until now - wow, what a show-stopping recipe! Never would have come up with such a creative concoction...
August 17, 2010
Mary, I've been playing around with my ice cream maker all summer (I made cucumber ice cream!) and had it in mind to do something very similar to this, but we're so busy at work this month that I don't have time to think about cooking much less create recipes. Love this!
August 17, 2010
What an incredibly cool (no pun intended) and creative idea!! I've had garlic ice cream, of course at the Gilroy garlic festival some years ago, and surprisingly liked it, so I know that vegetables can make really interesting ice creams. Love this idea!
August 17, 2010
Thanks...I have never made ice cream before so this was a difficult recipe for me to create...lots of thought about fat content and the balance of all the ingredients.
August 17, 2010
Major congrats to you on attempting something so creative for your first foray into ice cream making. You're right, there's a lot of balancing involved in the flavor, fat and sugar. I'm substituting honey and/or agave nectar for granulated sugar these days for all my ice creams and sorbets and I could see honey with this one. Really great job, Mary.
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