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Roasted Romesco Sauce
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15 Reviews
July 18, 2023
I don’t have sherry, and it seems silly to buy it for that one tablespoon - is there anything else I could use to replace it?
October 25, 2010
This would be great over a stuffed red bell pepper!
October 25, 2010
That would be a great pairing. If you wanted a spicier, more raw version, checkout pierono's firey version.
August 24, 2010
In fact I have my own romesco in this competition, but good luck nonetheless!. I agree with you on the heat factor. But I think you can go as high as 10,000 Scovilles without harming it too much. It really is not a "hot" sauce. When you get up to the 40,000 level you are in trouble. It's not Sriracha.
August 24, 2010
I could see adding chilis that hot if you were running with a romesco with raw ingredients. But I think with the roasted variety, you're going for a more subtle, sweeter sauce. I love them both, but they are almost different sauces. Good luck to you as well!
August 23, 2010
This looks awesome cheese1227. I'm so looking forward to trying this. Is it okay to use just almonds or do you think the hazelnuts are a must?
August 23, 2010
They are not a must, but they make it more interesting. By definition, you only need garlic, roasted red peppers and almonds.
August 22, 2010
I am having so much delight eating the batch I made to make sure my recipe was one!! Last night with bread and cheese. Tonight with roasted potatoes.
August 22, 2010
I'm with drbabs on this. I love romesco so much! I've even used it as a sauce in lieu of marinara on a pizza.
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