Apple, Hazelnut and Cheddar Salad
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11 Reviews
January 10, 2011
This sounds so delicious.
January 10, 2011
Thanks, Midge! I hope you get a chance to try it. Seems that hazelnuts are in short supply for some reason, at least where I am looking to get them.
January 8, 2011
You might think that, but besides feeling wet, those lil buggers are still as hard as ever. I usually just roast them about 8 minutes and they are crunchy and good to go. I was like you the first time but I tried it with a small handful and it worked. Just don't worry that the water is black and murky, that is just the skins. What doesn't pop off when you rinse them will fall off when you pick them up. But be careful, I have been known to squirt them across the counter, the skins get so loose.....;-)
January 8, 2011
Thanks VanessaS. Other than getting those fiddly little skins off the hazelnuts, it's a really easy recipe.
January 8, 2011
You probably already know this but if you boil your hazelnuts in water with a teaspoon of baking soda in it, for 10 minutes, they slip off like silk.
January 8, 2011
Did not know that, stockout! Thank you for the tip?? Does the boiling make any changes to them? Maybe require roasting them a bit longer?
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