Easy Fried Rice
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39 Reviews
March 20, 2011
ham fried rice ..mmmm...
in chinese culture, the best thing for fried rice is the high heat for a short time
in chinese culture, the best thing for fried rice is the high heat for a short time
February 11, 2011
Wrong. Don't make the eggs first and set aside. Instead, once you've stir-fried the rice, make a well in the center of the wok, pour in the eggs, and when they start to solidify, incorporate gradually with the rice. And where are the garlic and ginger? They're essential.
February 11, 2011
Wow that sounds great! You should submit your version! There are many iterations of fried rice; this happens to be mine.
February 11, 2011
One reason I liked this version was because my son is allergic to eggs, so I can make it in a way that can make us both happy.
February 12, 2011
I'll echo Mrslarkin, aseigel, submit your recipe so we can enjoy it.
Mrslarkin - I like the egginess of this dish . It looks filling enough to serve as a main course for lunch.
Mrslarkin - I like the egginess of this dish . It looks filling enough to serve as a main course for lunch.
February 12, 2011
One of the great things about cooking is that there are really no "right" or "wrong" ways of doing things. There are as many ways to make a dish as there are cooks to make it, and that's what's so great about this community - I feel like I learn something new from each recipe posted, and I'm sure others do, too. I'll echo my friends here and encourage you to post your recipe - we'd love to see it.
February 12, 2011
What I like about both ideas is you can get two different end results. asiegel yours would be much closer related to carbonara where the eggs and rice become incorporated and take on a creamy texture and is more custardy while mrslarkins recipe allows for the egg to stand on its own which is every bit as good, not wrong. It sort of depends on you personal preference. While my preferences would have me leaning towards mrslarkins you can bet you ass I wouldn't push away a bowl of fried rice as you have described your recipe. So yeah, please post a recipe and share. Non of this drive by crap where you drop an idea on us and then bail out.
February 12, 2011
I am a big fan of fried rice and I have always made it the method that asiegel decribes, even though I think Mrslarkin's version also sounds delicious. I wonder if since asiegel is new to this site that we don't know her/his "voice". Should not jump to conclusions about the way someone voices their opinion, just as "drive by crap" sounds a little contentious too.
February 12, 2011
dymnyno it wasn't meant to be contentious but point well taken and duly noted
Blissful B.
February 14, 2011
Oh, it was a drive by. Asiegel left 4 derogatory comments on 4 fried rice recipes at once. His constructive criticism included the words: wrong, ridiculous & I don't think so. New to the website or not, his/her voice is clearly disrespectful.
February 10, 2011
This recipe is excellent! I have made this twice now and we are hooked. This will be a regular here at the bateau! Merci beaucoup!
February 10, 2011
That's so great, CuisineBateau!! De rien! (I hope I said that right!) I am thrilled that you enjoy this recipe. It's one of my favorites, too! Thank you so much for letting me know!
February 1, 2011
Made this for dinner last night - great success! Everyone loved it.
February 1, 2011
yay! Glad to hear that hk! Hey what was that Chinese veggie called that you said you bought for it??
February 1, 2011
Baby guylian. It's also called Chinese broccoli and these were little ones. I just did it on the side - steamed them and made a sauce with garlic, dash of oyster sauce and a little chicken stock.
January 29, 2011
My mom always made her fried rice with bacon - so does her daughter. This is my idea of comfort food - glorious photo too, Liz!
January 29, 2011
not so much snow in DC but no power! Just got back on line. This looks great! I make mine with kim chi.
January 29, 2011
Thanks hk! This is one crazy winter! Would love to see your recipe with kim chi!
January 30, 2011
your recipe with ham will come in handy this week as I have loads of defrosted leftover ham now! That seemed to be the only thing that thawed while power was out. My kimchi version is on my blog, which I think links from my profile.
January 27, 2011
YUM! Fried rice is a Hawaii staple, yours looks delish.
January 27, 2011
Thanks!! I did not know that! Do you ever make it? I would love to see your recipe for fried rice, gingerroot!!
January 27, 2011
You can find it everywhere - from the farmer's market to breakfast/lunch places and even sometimes it pops up the menus of high end Pacific Rim/Fusion restaurants. My Mom's is the best. Someday I will take the time to learn her secrets! She uses oyster sauce and Portuguese sausage (another ubiquitous Hawaii ingredient) but otherwise her recipe is similar to yours.
January 27, 2011
My visual editing skills are really bad today! I meant to say "sometimes it pops up on the menus of..."
January 27, 2011 you mean like chorizo?? I never thought to use that in fried rice! I've got some in the freezer! Thanks for the inspiration! I'll have to try oyster sauce too - is it fishy?
January 28, 2011
Portuguese (linguica) is a little different than chorizo...more meaty chunks and a bit milder. However, chorizo would make a tasty fried rice too. Definitely cook separately though and allow to drain on paper towels before adding to rice mixture. A little oyster sauce goes a long way - adding flavor but not fishy flavor. My mom does not measure how much she adds - maybe start with a tablespoon or two and combine, then add to taste.
January 26, 2011
I am so making this for dinner tomorrow night. I have rice in the fridge. My son is allergic to eggs, but the way you make it, I can leave it out of his and use the egg in mine. We both love peas and ham anything in this house. Thanks.
January 26, 2011
Did you have this for dinner tonight? How much snow do you have? we have about 6 inches with another 8-10 expected.
January 26, 2011
Yes, ma'am! This WAS dinner! My family begrudgingly ate the peas, too. I had to make it pretty for the picture! :-) Yep, we got about 3-4 inches today. I wonder how much snow we've had since Christmas? Heaps of it, I guess.
January 26, 2011
I love those little bits of ham in my fried rice.
January 26, 2011
Yup. Come to think of it, some nice chunks of pork belly might be real good too, should you have some hanging around. #charcutepalooza
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