Risotto with Carrots Four Ways
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28 Reviews
May 1, 2011
this is a really interesting way to get the carrot flavor--my daughter's favorite dish is risotto but she doesn't like mushrooms, so I can't wait to try it for her next month when she gets home from college!
May 2, 2011
Wonderful! Hope it turns out well. I love heirloom's suggestion of using the reserved carrot water along with the broth, anything to get more carrot flavor in there! :-)
April 25, 2011
This sounds really delicious - thought so when you first posted it too. It is HILARIOUS that you turned yourself orange when you were a kid - now that is true carrot dedication!
March 5, 2011
This looks and sounds absolutely divine! It may be on my menu one night this week.
March 1, 2011
This looks amazing! Love that you treated the carrots in several ways to increase the complexity.
March 2, 2011
Thanks hardlikearmour! I even thought about doing a candied carrot type preparation for garnish, but thought that would be a little overboard ;-)
March 1, 2011
This risotto sounds great! I just love risotto and I'll definitely try yours. What about using the reserved cooking water instead of the broth or mixed to it to add even more carrot taste? Do you think a little grated nutmeg would enhance or cover the flavor? Anyway...great!
March 2, 2011
I love the idea of using the reserved cooking water instead of the broth. Amanda Cohen of Dirt Candy in New York does a carrot risotto and makes a simple carrot broth by boiling carrots and onions, which I thought about doing as well. I figured I already had so many steps I wanted to simplify, but I do think it would add to the flavor. Grated nutmeg might be really good too! Love all the ideas! Let me know what you end up doing!
March 1, 2011
This looks so delicious - can I come to your house for dinner?! ;) Will definitely be trying this recipe.
March 2, 2011
Haha, I always love dinner guests! It'll probably be a bit of a long trip for you though... ;-) Let me know how it goes!
March 1, 2011
This sounds amazing. I love risotto and look forward to trying this soon. YUM!
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