How to Reheat Leftover Pizza at Home like a Pro
Because pizza leftovers are one of life's greatest gifts.
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bonnie R.
July 16, 2022
air fryer makes it look, feel and taste like it did when you had the first slice.
Marla K.
March 7, 2020
Ecchhh! All this fuss. All these steps. All those pans to clean.
Pizza, especially leftover pizza is meant to be a convenience food, not something to be fussed over. Here's what works for me.
Pizza on a plate, in the microwave, with a glass of water. Zap for as long as you need, depending on thickness, size of slice, toppings, how long it's been out of the fridge.
The glass of water steams up the microwave and prevents drying out. And it's no fuss, no muss. You only have to clean the plate you're eating on.
Pizza, especially leftover pizza is meant to be a convenience food, not something to be fussed over. Here's what works for me.
Pizza on a plate, in the microwave, with a glass of water. Zap for as long as you need, depending on thickness, size of slice, toppings, how long it's been out of the fridge.
The glass of water steams up the microwave and prevents drying out. And it's no fuss, no muss. You only have to clean the plate you're eating on.
Frances R.
February 25, 2020
And I live outside of Philly so we have amazing pizza places so I always buy a large pizza and put the slices in my freezer. And take it out put it in my toaster oven at 3:50 375. Just until the cheese is all oozie. Especially good for a provolone pizza, where the cheeses on the bottom and the sauce is on top
Frances R.
February 25, 2020
If you have a large enough toaster oven put it on toast and throw in your pizza. It heats the fastest I am the hottest. And if you get delivery french fries, do the same thing dark toast. Your french fries will sizzle. You’re welcome
January 27, 2019
I've tried it this way several times and it just doesn't work the way described. I've even adjusted the directions, and still it does not work the way described.
Patrick P.
November 23, 2018
This worked well for regular or thin crust. The thick crust was hot on the bottom but still cold on top. Since I had a combination of thin and pan or real thick crust in the same pan, I had to remove the thin crust and place the thick crust in the microwave grill setting. The thick crust was going to burn the bottom in the pan with still have a cold topping. I guess I’m still quite a novice.
Carole L.
March 23, 2018
First - any left over pizza should be stored in Ziplock ON THE COUNTER! Never in the fridge. This tip was given to me by the owner of our favorite Pizza place. A Quick toaster oven toasting (on the tray) to bubble up the
cheese and crisp the bottom and it will taste even better than the night
cheese and crisp the bottom and it will taste even better than the night
November 8, 2022
Yes!!! This is true! Don't refrigerate your pizza for at least 24 hours, and up to 48. I leave it out for 48 and have done so with my pizzas for years! IT will help in the reheat process!!
Joe H.
October 4, 2017
i put me pizza in ten foil and put the oven on 275 and let it preheat then i put the pizza in the oven and let it stay in there for about 5 minutes then take it out and look at it and see if it needs to go back in the oven for a couple of minutes
Nina D.
April 10, 2016
I've always done this way cuz it would be faster than the oven and I come across with this post can't believe it hahahahahaha
April 6, 2016
Always in a skillet on the stovetop. I have never added water, though, and will definitely test it out! Thanks for the ideas.
April 5, 2016
In the grill! Or broiler I guess :) bottom side up first, then after its hot flip to get the cheese mealty and hot again too
April 5, 2016
I use a cast skillet in the oven at 350, the pizza comes out crispy and yummy!
Jacque J.
April 5, 2016
Perfect way for my family - place slices in toaster oven on rack and heat on dark toast setting. The slices come out bubbly on top and the crust is perfectly crisp.
April 5, 2016
Seven minutes on a perforated pan starting in a cold oven. I've never had any problem with toppings drying out. I am not myself Italian, and I do not like soft pizza crust.
Susan L.
October 26, 2014
First I heat up some olive oil in any old pan, drop in the cold pizza and wait for the magic to begin. No water necessary, drop a cover on it for a smidge. Decadent!
October 16, 2014
Use Philips air fryer for 3-5 mins, heats and restores the Pizza like it was just baked
Christine H.
October 3, 2014
2 slices, face to face, squished in a waffle iron until hot...DONE! BEST! BOOM! Thank me later
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