A New Way to Dinner, co-authored by Food52's founders Amanda Hesser and Merrill Stubbs, is an indispensable playbook for stress-free meal-planning (hint: cook foundational dishes on the weekend and mix and match ‘em through the week).
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Terry M.
September 23, 2016
Or the Finnish yeasted, braided sweet bread. In the upper peninsula of Michigan it is called Nisua bread. Everywhere else I see it referred to as pulla. It is so, so, good.
Jennifer S.
September 23, 2016
You might like to try the "butter eye" roll from Finland. Tons of cardamom in a sweet yeast bread with a dab of butter in the center.
Katherine H.
May 15, 2016
This is such a great post! Cardamom is an ingredient rarely used in kitchens. It is usually only used most during winter and Christmas, but I like to use cardamom all year round. It is also one of the most expensive spices you can find at your local food market.
March 20, 2015
Agree with Terry McKenzie about black cardamon. Black cardamon is also used in some african dishes. It tastes exactly how Terry described it... smoky menthol... nothing at all like green (or white) cardamon.
Jenny X.
March 24, 2015
Do you have any examples of African dishes that they're used in? I'd love to learn more.
Terry M.
March 19, 2015
Actually, not correct that what you find ground in most spice racks is black cardamom. What you find ground and what is used in Scandinavian baked goods, puddings, and in many Indian dishes are the tiny black seeds you find inside when you break open green cardamom pods. Black cardamom is an entirely different seed pod. It's a very large, wrinkled dark brown pod with an entirely different flavor--a mixture of smoke and menthol. The pods are dried over open flames. It's used sometimes in Indian cooking in small quantities and in even smaller quantities as part of spice mixes in Chinese--especially Sichuan- cooking. It is also often used as one of many spices to flavor Vietnamese pho. Most westerners will never, ever encounter that particular spice or flavor. It is never used in sweets.
Jenny X.
March 24, 2015
That's so good to know, thank you! (I'm clearly still pretty new to the cardamom game.)
March 19, 2015
Also good in coffee, alone or blended with cinnamon, ginger, anise and/or cloves. Add some to the grounds when you brew, or dust foamed-milk or whipped-cream with it. Blend is called hawaidj (various spellings) in Middle East. In a pinch (or when too lazy to make my own), I use Tea Masala, which is very close in composition.
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