Food52 Life

Here's the Best Thing Our Photography Producer Cooked This Weekend

November  9, 2015

We get asked all the time: What do you cook at home? Here's some inspiration from Carmen Ladipo, our photography producer:

For over a month, I've had speculoos biscuits and an unopened box of Rice Krispies in my kitchen, but I finally got around to making one of my favorite easy sweets: Speculoos Rice Krispie Treats.


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The idea came to life on a Friday night with a friend back in college. All you do is melt a stick of butter in a pan over the stove (brown it if you're feeling good), add a bag of marshmallows, a couple pinches of salt, and melt until smooth. Then gradually empty about half a box of Rice Krispies and a handful of crumbled speculoos biscuits into the pot, and mix diligently, until the marshmallow mixture coats everything evenly! Quickly transfer to a parchment-lined baking dish to set and cool. Cut and enjoy! (And the best part? Using the crumbs in your next bowl of cereal!)

Photo by Carmen Ladipo

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  • Carol Diamond
    Carol Diamond
  • Carmen Ladipo
    Carmen Ladipo
Food52 (we cook 52 weeks a year, get it?) is a food and home brand, here to help you eat thoughtfully and live joyfully.


Carol D. November 9, 2015
Umm, why not add some spec spread to the melted butter and marshmallow?
Carmen L. November 9, 2015
Why not indeed! Spectacular!