Alcohol-Free Drinks
The Best Sparkling Water Brands (Trust Us, We Tried Them All)
Plus everything you need to know about bubbly water.
Photo by Rocky Luten
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sande 5.
December 26, 2024
Hooray for La Croix as in the Croix River Valley source St Croix Indian Reservation WI plain or fruit flavored here in MN yummy sparkle cold water local recipe wide appeal take your pick this is ours too.
Linda D.
June 30, 2022
Aura Bora is my go-to sparkling water. I love the lavender-cucumber and the lemon-ginger.
June 30, 2022
Pellegrino's seltzer is quite salty. I like the gentle micro bubbles but the flavor is intensely salty.
Kroger's store brand seltzer is quite good, esp. the Simple Truth Organics line.
Kroger's store brand seltzer is quite good, esp. the Simple Truth Organics line.
June 17, 2022
I’ve always favored Saratoga for its tiny tingly bubbles, though it’s increasingly hard to find.
Janet M.
May 20, 2022
I don't care for flavored waters. I still have a penchant for Gerolsteiner--maybe that "rainwater" taste is my thing, but I can't find it much in my rural area and it's gotten expensive. Following that, when in Texas I always grab bottles of Ozarka. And I do like Topo Chico, too.
June 17, 2022
I like flavored waters but I also like Gerolsteiner--it's my favorite among unflavored sparkling waters.
January 9, 2021
I just wrote to someone who made a comment in regards to my favorite Vichy Catalan, i saw it in a taste test on TV travel program. Located it on amazon, expensive (it comes in from Spain) so for Christmas that is what i asked my son for. Water !! loved it, had a soft fizz and tasted like alka seltzer. It was expensive having it shipped. Wondering if anyone knows where i can obtain it other then Spain. Thanks Candida
Suzi P.
July 14, 2019
I have to say I am hooked on a sparkling water that wasn’t even mentioned. It Glaceau smart water sparkling. Yes I have had Pellegrino, Perrier, polar, lacrouix, etc.... the unflavored brand of smartwater sparkling actually quenches your thirst my only issue is that I can’t easily get it. I used to be able to get it at the dollar stores (eastern Pa) now I can find Apple pear and strawberry in some stores but I am still a fan of the plain and actually crave it. I have been ordering it from amazon but fear they, coke or Pepsi aren’t making it or it isn’t available in my area? If anyone has the means to find out I would truly appreciate it and would ask to try this brand if you can get your hands on it. Way different taste than any other I have had and my ya coworkers in Ohio agree.
Chester W.
December 12, 2017
Crysalli is also the best choice because it is a "green" solution. By making your own sparkling, you save the manufacturing of bottles, the actual bottling process, transportation and waste disposal of billions of bottles.
Chester W.
December 12, 2017
Crysalli Artisan water is by far the best choice because it doesn't come in a plastic or glass bottle, it is filtered and cold carbonated at 35 degrees right on site, allowing you to adjust the bubble "profile" to bigger or smaller, and always served cold and refreshing.
Glen D.
July 27, 2016
Why is Ramlosa not on here exactly? Its like as popular in England as VOss and Paligrino are here???
Berry G.
July 21, 2016
This is a delicious kick start! I tried the berries recipe; also adding my health mixes from It was yummy! Thanks for sharing.
Eric C.
December 16, 2015
From Safeway, Von's, or Pavilion's comes Refreshe seltzer. Bargain-priced, the bubbles are both bold and soothing. It comes in flavored, too: lemon, lime, mandarin orange, raspberry, mixed berry, and plain. So long diet soda, Refreshe is sparkling companion.
Petit S.
December 14, 2015
Llanllyr Source water from Wales. The perfect bubbles and clean taste - delicious
Alexandra G.
December 13, 2015
A man who frequented the WF I used to work at introduced me to Gerolsteiner, he told me, "If you're feeling like sh&! try drinking a bottle of this." He was right, it gets rid of both my headaches and nausea.. I like Mountain Valley otherwise. Never tried Selters.
December 13, 2015
Selters followed by Pellegrino. I like knowing that the carbonation in the Selters' is from the earth.
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