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Mike D.
November 15, 2018
Just curious what the other 4 underutilized parts are?
Lindsay-Jean H.
November 15, 2018
Ha! My answer changes by the day, but today I'd say: pumpkin guts, kale stems, potato peels, and fennel stalks.
April 5, 2021
I’m ahead of you! I never peel my potatoes. I do, however, find kale stalk hard to work with....I always end up either under or over cooking them....and who doesn’t like pumpkin meat? It’s as good as turnip! I didn’t know I could steam up cauliflower leaves...
November 4, 2018
I grow my own cauliflower and this year it did not form heads, but has huge leaves. Aside from giving some to the chickens I thought of using them like cabbage leaves and filling them like cabbage rolls. Has anyone done that?
Robin M.
June 26, 2020
Brilliant idea - I was thinking about making a layered/lasagna style cabbage roll dish with kale today...
November 25, 2020
Hi. I grow my own for the first time, it’s big and so beautiful. How should I harvest it
April 5, 2021
That sounds interesting. I wonder what the dish would taste like? Does the taste of the leaves change when cooking? Do they need to be pre-prepared for cooking?
Cindy F.
January 29, 2016
I save the leaves and the cores, brocolli stems, carrot peels and freeze them, and when I have enough, I make a broth.
Karon S.
January 26, 2016
Lindsay thank you! I bought a Romanesco Cauliflower from the Farmers Market yesterday and would have discarded the leaves without a thought. Now I will use them!
Melissa @.
January 24, 2016
Tamar Adler's really excellent An Everlasting Meal contains a recipe for "A Pesto of Cores and Stems," and this is one of my favourite uses for cauliflower leaves. Cooked, they're soft and mild. Raw, they're mustardy and pungent. Really excellent on pasta or roasted vegetables either way.
Posie (.
January 24, 2016
Amazing, I love this! There are a few really good looking recipes for carrot top pesto in the archives, as well as risotto that uses celery leaves and a vegan ravioli that uses beet greens. All things I'd love your opinion on!!
Karina R.
January 24, 2016
I just either eat them raw-its very crisp and yummy-or roast them whenever i put somethinf else in the oven.
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