
Please Take 15 Seconds to Watch This Video

May  4, 2016

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A video posted by Tastemade japan (@tastemade_japan) on

I already have—about 20 times. (I close my eyes when—spoiler alert!—the squid hits the pan.) And if someone can tell me what those spongy white things are in the first frame, I'd be very grateful!

The caption, according to Google Translate, means "What happens when baked?," though I'm sure that a non-robot would have a more equivalent translation.

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While I wait for one of our commenters to tell me what "焼いたらどうなる?" really means, I'll just watch this one more time and let the video tell me what language cannot.

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Top Comment:
“The question in the first video is basically "what happens if you fry it?" 2) I learned the trick on an old cooking show once, and it changed my onigiri making life forever. No more messy hands! 3) it's cheesecake, and the white things are cream cheese, sugar, double cream, etc. Cheesecake stuff. And yes, that is parsley. Because green.”
— Mags

Tastemade Japan's Instagram account has all sorts of other gems, too.

There's this video, which suggests a much easier way to make rice ball snacks (directly on plastic wrap—then just twist and transport!)...

...and this one, in which a series of white ingredients turn into a cheesecake that's adorned with lots of Oreos and a sprig of a very delicate-looking herb that might be parsley but probably is not:

【ミキサーで30秒!オレオNYチーズケーキ】 ■材料 ケーキ型15cm(紙をひいておく) 《チーズケーキ》 ・クリームチーズ 200g ・サワークリーム 100g ・生クリーム 100g ・卵 2個 ・グラニュー糖 50g ・片栗粉 大さじ1 ・レモン汁 大さじ1/2 《ボトム用》 ・オレオ 7枚 ・溶かしバター 20g ・飾り用オレオ 8枚《サブレ生地》 ■手順 1. ボトム用オレオを袋に入れ、棒等で細かく砕く。溶かしバターを加え、全体になじませたら型の底にしっかりと敷き詰める。 2. チーズケーキの材料を全てミキサーに入れて攪拌する。(さらに一度ザルで漉すと滑らかに仕上がります) 3. 型に流し入れ、上に飾り用のオレオを手で砕いて乗せていく。 4. 天板にお湯を張ったオーブン160度で1時間焼く。(途中、焼き色が強くついてしまう場合は、一枚アルミホイルを被せる) 5. 粗熱を取り、型ごと冷蔵庫でしっかり冷やしたら適当な大きさにカットして、お皿に取り分ける。 facebookも公開中!Tastemade japanで検索してくださいね。 #オレオ #NYチーズケーキ #oreo #cookie #cheese #cheesecake #クリームチーズ #sweets #スイーツ #甘党 #おやつ #お菓子作り #デザート #dessert #おうちカフェ #料理 #cooking #レシピ #delish #instacook #yummyfood #homemadefood #instafood #instadessert #nomnomnom

A video posted by Tastemade japan (@tastemade_japan) on

I'm Tastemade Japan's newest follower—and unauthorized spokeswoman.

Know of any Instagram accounts that we need to be following? Tell us in the comments!

See what other Food52 readers are saying.

  • Samantha Weiss Hills
    Samantha Weiss Hills
  • Louise Kong
    Louise Kong
  • Danielle
  • Mags
  • Sarah Jampel
    Sarah Jampel
I used to work at Food52. I'm probably the person who picked all of the cookie dough out of the cookie dough ice cream.


Samantha W. May 4, 2016
I think they are marshmallows!!
Louise K. May 4, 2016
Aren't those white things marshmallows?
Danielle May 4, 2016
Google translate is pretty spot on with its translation of "焼いたらどうなる."

I think the first white things are marshmallows??
Mags May 4, 2016
1) The question in the first video is basically "what happens if you fry it?"
2) I learned the trick on an old cooking show once, and it changed my onigiri making life forever. No more messy hands!
3) it's cheesecake, and the white things are cream cheese, sugar, double cream, etc. Cheesecake stuff. And yes, that is parsley. Because green.
Sarah J. May 4, 2016
Thank you!
cairo N. May 5, 2016
3) sorry to contredict but the fineleaved spring of green herb is not parsley but definitely chervil (ger: kerbel, french: cerfeuil, lat: anthriscus cerefolium) a very popular herb in tradionnel french and german cuisine featuring a fine anise note.
Sarah J. May 5, 2016
Thanks, cairo! That makes more sense, flavor-wise.