On Black & Highly Flavored, co-hosts Derek Kirk and Tamara Celeste shine a light on the need-to-know movers and shakers of our food & beverage industry.
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Todd H.
August 17, 2017
We tried the honeycrisps a few years ago here in Alabama and they were delicious but so expensive. Last year they reached almost $4.00 a lbs. And some are so big that it's crazy that one Apple can almost set you back $4. Todd in Alabaster Al.
September 23, 2016
My favorite local store had organic Honeycrisps for $1.98/lb this week! YUM!
September 23, 2016
Last week I got Honeycrisps for $1.88 a pound, and this week they were 99 cents at Fresh Thyme (similar to Sprouts, and now opening all over MN).
September 22, 2016
There is an orchard in the Blue Ridge Mtns. here in Va. that grows the Arkansas Black. They are so good and keep for months in the fridge (in the garage) retaining most of their great texture. Love them.
Jo A.
September 22, 2016
I wish the writer would have addressed the subject of pesticides. I don't have a problem with paying a little extra for a hard to grow awesome apple, but not if it's sprayed with a ton of poison. Are Honeycrisps grown organically anywhere?
Erin H.
September 22, 2016
Sure, Jo Ann. I got organic Honeycrisps this morning at Sprouts (formerly Sunflower Market) and have bought them in the past at Whole Foods and Natural Grocer. Your usual store for produce can certainly get them, if they aren't already in stock.
nancy M.
September 22, 2016
what ever happened to the good old fashioned Jonathan apple? sweet-tart, crisp. delightful. cant find them much anymore.
Carol W.
September 22, 2016
I'm with Jonathan Heuer. I think Honeycrips are nice but Pink Lady is the perfect apple for me. Crisp, light, tart but sweet and skin is perfectly portioned for the snap of the apple. I find some apples too mealy (macintosh), tart (granny smith) or underwhelming (golden delicious). Gala's are a bit mealy sometimes as well, So, from a NYer now living in the SF Bay Area, give me my Pink Lady's and in the world of Dr, Evil, Get In My Belly!
Jonathan H.
September 22, 2016
Carol, in SF there's a guy that sells Pink Ladies most of the year at the Alemany Farmer's Market. At least, he did last time I lived there. SOOOO GOOD!
Linda E.
September 22, 2016
In the UK we still have lots of heritage varieties coming into small shops just about now. In the last week I have had Lady Sudeley, Scrumptious (variety name, and description), Katy, Discovery (fairly new), and a cooking apple called Emneth Early, which froths up when cooked in an amazing way. And we are losing these distinctive apples to more standard commercial varieties, which I find sad.
September 22, 2016
My new favorite the last couple of years is the Envy apple. Not common, but try it if you find it any place! Wonderfu8l fragrance and flavor. And yes, honey crisps are also great.
September 23, 2016
Envy!!!!! Yes, my all time fave. Beware however....they do not keep indefinitely. Last year I purchased a big bagful to hoard all winter long keeping them in my spare frig. Auch, after about 3 weeks they were getting mushy and then days later they were inedible. So enjoy as you will but know they won't stick around all season
Erin H.
September 22, 2016
Honeycrisps were actually the best value when I shopped today: gorgeous, big organics for just $1.98 a pound. Grannies, Braeburns and Galas were all $2.49. Sometimes you get lucky.
Lorraine F.
September 21, 2016
A few years ago I tasted HoneyCrisp apples. WOW. The price can be up to $4 a pound here in the South. But for a pie it is worth the price. Can't compare a HoneyCrisp with any other apple.
September 21, 2016
does anyone remember a Snow apple? Deep red skin, very white flesh with flecks of red. Wonderful snap and juicy sweet. I was at the FArmer's market the other day and picked up a few varieties that I had not had in awhile, and one I had never heard of. All pretty insipid. I thin they didn;t wait until the first cold snap to pick. So the flavor hadn't set. My favorite summer apple is Gravenstein -it makes great chutney. Wintertime is Jonagold. Figi not far behind. We also get Braeburn which is OK. Never was a fan of Red delicious. and when I make pie? I use several varieties combined, with a granny Smith thrown in. I like the varieties, but the old heirloom ones are the best. Anyone remember an Arkansas Black?
Kaitlin B.
September 21, 2016
Yes! I had Arkansas Blacks when I lived in New Orleans. They were the best "local-ish" apples around!
Noreen F.
September 21, 2016
My grandma had a snow apple tree right outside her kitchen. Loved those little things!
September 21, 2016
Couoldnt get to the orchard yesterday so I bought ONE Honeycrisp from the grocery store...paid 2.75 cents for ONE apple....did I say it was worth it?!!!! YES
September 21, 2016
Great article BTW....I will pass this info on to my coworkers next time we have converstion on apples!
September 20, 2016
What is considered expensive? I pay $1.75/lb for Honeycrisp at the local Farmers Market. There is an orchard nearby with 30 varieties of apples that are $1.00/lb. We are on the PNW. Pears are gorgeous right now bought Red Bartletts that are huge for 90 cents a pound. Are these good prices? I have no idea what produce costs in other parts of the country.
Leona S.
September 20, 2016
I never liked apple juice never ever liked apple juice I mean hated it! That is until I put some Honeycrisps in my juicer! Wow! The most beautiful taste in the world!
September 20, 2016
Honeycrisps are among the top two apples I've ever tasted. The other is winesap, but I haven't seen one in this area in years. Same succulence as the honeycrisp and wonderful taste. Wish they were grown in the west.
September 22, 2016
Winesap! Haven't had one in years. Maybe they'll grow them somewhere on the west coast, like they're now growing older east coast varieties like my favorite, the Cortland.
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