Holiday Entertaining

Cup of Jo's Thanksgiving Menu, As the Genie Predicts It

November  1, 2016

Joanna Goddard—the former magazine editor who turned her lifestyle blog Cup of Jo into a full-time career (and one of our favorite websites)—doesn't fancy herself a cook. So what's she serving for Thanksgiving, when the pressure's on and the family's all in town?

We asked Joanna to use our Thanksgiving Menu Genie—a practically magical, interactive quiz that rifles through recipes to find those that make the most sense for your table—and here's what she got.

Dive into her whole menu here, or browse the shortened version below. Now it's your turn to try!

What will you be serving on Thanksgiving? Let the Menu Genie help you decide.

52 Days of Thanksgiving
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52 Days of Thanksgiving

Top-notch recipes, expert tips, and all the tools to pull off the year’s most memorable feast.

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