
Our Latest Contest: Your Best Festive, Crowd-Feeding Breakfast

November 21, 2016

Holidays demand something a little more than scrambled eggs to feed the masses. They want waffles, pastries dusted with cinnamon-sugar, and stratas suitable for company.

What's your favorite breakfast (sweet or savory) during the holidays? We're getting to welcome all of our family and friends and want you to share what crowd-friendly breakfasts you make come this time of year.

Stratas: Ready to feed everyone and anyone. Photo by James Ransom

Share your favorite holiday-friendly, crowd-ready breakfasts by entering them in our latest contest! Head to the contest page to enter them. One lucky winner will receive $100 to our Shop.

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Food52's Automagic Holiday Menu Maker
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Food52's Automagic Holiday Menu Maker

Choose your holiday adventure! Our Automagic Menu Maker is here to help.

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Food52 (we cook 52 weeks a year, get it?) is a food and home brand, here to help you eat thoughtfully and live joyfully.

1 Comment

anotherfoodieblogger December 20, 2016
Am I missing something or did a new contest not come out on Monday?