
An Easy Way to Prevent Watered-Down Slow Cooker Dishes

November 27, 2016

Over on the Hotline this past week, Leith Devine let us in on a little secret about keeping our mash warm in a slow cooker: “Make sure to put a towel under the lid of the slow cooker so the condensation doesn't drip onto the potatoes and thin them out.”

Just add dish towel.

That’s not the only smart tip we picked up from Leith as she answered Thanksgiving questions right and left this past week—which is why she's this month’s Hotline MVP.

Here are two more of our favorite tips from her:

I soak a cheesecloth in melted butter, lemon zest, and lemon juice and drape the turkey with it. It bastes it and the skin comes out brown and crispy without opening the oven door. (Editors' note: We're excited to try this on a roast chicken.)

I always make a flour/butter paste (beurre manié) before I make gravy, and if it's too thin, add it a lump at a time until the gravy thickens. Make sure to cook the gravy after adding the paste to get rid of the raw flour taste.

She's also got a smart use for all of your turkey leftovers.

Congratulations to Leith Devine and thanks to everyone who participates over on the Hotline—the community wouldn’t be the same without you.

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1 Comment

AntoniaJames November 28, 2016
My father always puts a clean tea towel under the lid of a just-cooked pot of rice, providing a similar benefit. By keeping the residual moisture off the grains, they remain separate and firm, with a perfect texture. ;o)