Heirloom Recipes

What Recipe Shares a Story About Where You Come From?

December  5, 2016

What do you cook when you want to share the story of where you come from? (Or when you're simply feeling homesick?)

Is it the vegetable biryani your mom made the first time you returned home from college? An Irish soda bread passed down from your grandmother who immigrated to New York from Ireland? The knafeh you ate on annual trips to visit family in Beirut? The red bean porridge you can't quite recreate? Maybe it's meatloaf, or a make-ends-meet beef stew called "slumgullion."

We want to know a recipe that tells a part of your or your family's story. And we want to share as many of your stories (and try as many of your dishes) as possible. That's why, for this month, we'll be pausing our normal contest schedule to devote special attention to these recipes—and to give you an easier way to get them that.

Shop the Story

To share your recipe:

  • Email us your recipes and stories: Send them to [email protected] with the subject line "A Recipe That Tells My Story." You can submit it in the form of a photo of a recipe card or a page of a notebook. Or you can send us a typed-out version. If you don't have a Food52 username that you'd like that recipe linked to, please tell us how you want to be referred to if your recipe is featured so we can give you credit!
  • Or, if it's already uploaded to Food52, simply drop that link in the comments (or in an email to us). This can include both featured or un-featured recipes.

To be able to feature your recipe to the best of our ability, we ask that it include:

  • A story that explains where it comes from and what it means to you. This can be even just a few sentences (whether that's in the headnote of the recipe you've uploaded, in the comments below, or in the body of an email). Photographs are also welcome—we'd love to see them and share them with the Food52 community.
  • The recipe should be original (i.e., they should not be copied and pasted from another website or cookbook, and you should acknowledge any credits you're away of); for a refresher on what we mean here, check out our contest rules. We're looking for recipes that have your family's stamp.

We've got plans to bring your recipes, photographs, and tales together—to celebrate old traditions and form new ones. Stay tuned!

Questions? Comments? Ask in the comments below!

See what other Food52 readers are saying.

  • Mary-Ann
  • AntoniaJames
  • healthierkitchen
  • Lindsay-Jean Hard
    Lindsay-Jean Hard
  • Sarah Jampel
    Sarah Jampel
Food52 (we cook 52 weeks a year, get it?) is a food and home brand, here to help you eat thoughtfully and live joyfully.


Mary-Ann January 13, 2017
Where do we mail our contribution?
Lindsay-Jean H. February 21, 2017
Apologies for the delay Mary-Ann! Email them to [email protected] with the subject line "A Recipe That Tells My Story."
AntoniaJames December 12, 2016
What is the deadline for this? Thank you. ;o)
Sarah J. January 5, 2017
Sorry to not have responded to this sooner, AJ! We don't get notified when there are comments on Food52-authored articles. We're going to publish a first round of these recipes soon, but we plan to continue the effort indefinitely, so please send anything you have whenever you have it. Thank you!
healthierkitchen December 6, 2016
healthierkitchen December 6, 2016