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Why Is Everyone So Mad at the Pioneer Woman?

March 13, 2017

For the past few days, I’ve had numerous friends ask me about my thoughts on Ree Drummond, better known as the Food Network’s Pioneer Woman. She’s certainly divisive, but I’ve never had many opinions about her, good or bad; she exists, and she brings some people joy, which I can’t and won't take away.

Lately, a five-year old clip from her show has been making the rounds online, involving Drummond prepping “Asian wings” for a cabal of hungry men. Thick Dumpling Skin, a podcast and blog staffed entirely by Asian Americans, surfaced the clip last week with the suggestion that it was subtly, but virulently, stoking timeworn anti-Asian sentiment. Take a look:

There’s a lot going on in this choppily edited, frenetic clip. It’s difficult to make sense of on the first watch, but I think I’ve decoded it after 30 views: Drummond plays a prank on the good old wing-hungry boys of her house. She brings out a spread of sesame-coated chicken wings from her oven, shocking the men. “Where are the real wings?” one befuddled man asks. Another weighs in: “I don’t trust ’em,” he claims of the Asian wings. Drummond, after playing fake for a bit, clears it up: She’s just joshing. "I wouldn't do that to you," she replies. She brings out the real American Buffalo wings, the jokester. (I'd take these maligned "Asian wings" over Buffalo wings any day.)

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This incident has initiated a typical call-and-response; look at the replies to that tweet for the gradient of opinions it's generated. Since Thick Dumpling Skin posted the clip last week, there’s been a growing chorus online of people asking the Food Network to take the episode out of rotation. Drummond has yet to issue a formal response to this controversy, though, according to HollywoodLife, a source close to Drummond says she doesn’t understand what the big fuss is about, that it’s mere “PC madness.” It's a sentiment that her supporters share. Some, of course, have insisted that this is a non-controversy, sticking to the playbook of lamenting about the sensitivities of a preciously apolitical space like food.

Anyone who’s skeptical of these claims may be swayed by the more salient point that Thick Dumpling Skin has tried to make. It's pointed out that the Food Network is, in general, shoddy when it comes to portraying the depth and variety of cuisines from Asia; that this Pioneer Woman segment, a mere 30 seconds, is a symptom of the mockery leveled against Asian food on the network. (Never mind that Asia is an impossibly large continent, and that we may very well start by clarifying and giving more nuance to a label like "Asian food.")

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Top Comment:
“You said "my husband's relatives are Asian" as if he's not. Do you have an issue with it? Because if you said "my husand is Asian" we'd assume so are his relatives. But you don't want to say that. Maybe you just didn't write very well but it sounds like a Freudian slip. ”
— J.l. M.

When it comes to this particular controversy, I’ll be honest—it’s got a slightly irksome undertone I can't quite place. And even if you don't agree with their read on this segment, there's something crummy about knowing that the concerns of some Asian Americans protesting this clip have been dismissed offhand. To the suggestion that the episode be taken out of rotation, well, I’m of mixed minds; let this gaffe live for the world to see! And, more importantly, please get this show some new editors.

What's your take on this segment? Let us know in the comments.

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Mayukh Sen is a James Beard Award-winning food and culture writer in New York. His writing has appeared in the New York Times, the New Yorker, Bon Appetit, and elsewhere. He won a 2018 James Beard Award in Journalism for his profile of Princess Pamela published on Food52.


Et October 24, 2023
Having seen her show...yeah most comments about her are not wrong. Annnnd now Martin Scorsese has put her and the Drummonds under the spotlight. Considering her in-laws family probably had a hand in the exploitation of the indigenous Osage people and actively worked to steal their land and headrights. Karma right?
Dee September 15, 2020
I think people over think everything that’s said today. People who can’t understand a joke and call it racial are ridiculous.Everything is not about racism. As far as Lee Drummonds goes she is just as good and personable as any tv personality. Another judgmental over ridiculous comment about her. If people don’t like her just turn the channel.

Linda August 30, 2020
Please people stop taking offense to everything, that someone does or says. Can't we all just get along. Stop taking everything personal. Ridiculous.
Elizabeth D. December 31, 2019
And therein lies the problem "the context for the joke was that she cooks for people who don't like to eat food with which they are not already familiar."
It's the height of ignorance not to like or try something new (regardless of what it is) just because you haven't tried it before. Ree Drummond's 'oh golly gee/shucks' act was old within the first five minutes of watching her show.
Her cooking isn't all that great nor is it healthy. My husband is Russian, Portuguese, and Chinese (I'm Russian-Jew and Irish). Asian food is among the most complex and nuanced food profiles that exist. Far more interesting than down home too-fatty/heavily-salted comfort food that comes from Ree's kitchen.
My mom always said, if you want to get to know someone, break bread with them. Learn about their food and you'll learn about their culture. That Ree's husband and friends aren't interested is quite telling about how they are open (or not) to learning something new, in other words, they aren't.
Like it or not, the face of America is changing. Eventually, it'll make its way to Oklahoma.
Ginger113* December 4, 2019
I watch FN all the time and I simply love It! But, there are several cooks I cannot even stand to watch for even a little bit. One is the Pioneer Woman and the other one is the Italian lady. I cannot remember her name but she’s youngish. Anyway , they both irritate me for some reason haha. Ree especially. She seems fake and her voice is so baby like and she has all these little rehearsed comments that she makes. Ugh. Just cannot stand to watch Her!!! Not to mention, her food does not seem appealing at all!!!! I don’t even like when she judges the competitions. She only likes “ chewy” cookies. Well who cares! Your one person in. Million!! It’s ridiculous!!!!
Elizabeth D. December 31, 2019
Giada De Laurentiis ??
Starbakhs October 23, 2019
Ree is actually very racist. I am an avid food network watcher and I saw her judging a few shows, including food network star. One woman was Indian and cooked amazing food, and she had to present a show with ree. Ree was SO rude with her compared to the other white contestants and didn’t let her do her job, which ended up getting her eliminated. It was shocking to watch. Ree honestly is the new Paula deen. Unoriginal cooking, and racist. I never seen her use a single vegetable in her food besides corn, tomatoes, and iceberg lettuce. And then it’s the most uncreative flavor profiles.
Stephen S. September 2, 2019
Was I the only one that caught one of the guys saying, as they saw the first wings: "Are you trying to turn us the "other way"? Really? Stupid.
Holly W. May 11, 2019
All I know is that I tried the ready-to-eat "Fried Chicken with Gravy" from Walmart and found it rather unpleasant. There are frozen meals that are much less expensive that taste twice as good.

I think this woman's cooking is overrated.
Suzie W. April 27, 2019
I watched her show a few times and decided I did not care for her. Her recipes, like so many of these tv chefs, are extremely unhealthy, although I am sure that are delicious. I also do not care for her too happy attitude, overly cheery. She needs to get over herself.
Angie March 2, 2019
I like her recipes but she’s not relatable to regular working people. And I personally would have chosen the Asian wings because I don’t care for buffalo wings.
I think it was tacky but she comes across as a rich, better than anyone else, kind of woman.
You’ll never see her feeding the homeless.
Trish B. February 11, 2019
I really think that humans have become a bunch of babies. Stop with the over sensitive nonsense. This wasn't anything to do with Asians in general, it was about an all american food fish being served to American cowboys. It would be the same if an Asian person was serving Campbell's chicken noodle soup to an Asian family and telling them it's Ramen.
Dishlicious February 11, 2019
Amen, Trish!
EMBER January 8, 2024
"In fact, the oldest recipe for chicken wings that has been uncovered comes from China in 750 AD, known as the Imperial Consort Chicken Wing."

Know your facts.
Art February 8, 2019
I find this article very hypocritical. I'm not Asian but my husbands relatives are. Some Asians in general are very particular about the food they eat. I've made non Asian food and my Asian relatives always want to eat thier own food. Many Asians feel thier food is the best and wont even try to cook American food.
J.l. M. February 8, 2019
IF your "husband's RELATIVES" are Asian doesn't that make HIM Asian? You seem to exclude him from this.

Or is he Caucasian and was adopted by Asians? That would be a reverse.

Your odd phrasing makes its own kind of point here.

Art February 8, 2019
My husband is Asian but he likes to eat other types of food obviously. His relatives do not. What's does it matter about my husband??? I'm talking about how his relatives have a bias against non Asian food. This article downs non Asians for not wanting to eat Asian food but it happens the other way around too. The article is very hypocritical.
J.l. M. February 11, 2019
You said "my husband's relatives are Asian" as if he's not.

Do you have an issue with it? Because if you said "my husand is Asian" we'd assume so are his relatives. But you don't want to say that.

Maybe you just didn't write very well but it sounds like a Freudian slip.

Dee September 15, 2020
The person who doesn’t get the husbands siblings or other relatives are married to asians.
Francesca February 5, 2019
To say that I am not impressed with The Pioneer Woman is an understatement. I made the mistake of purchasing quite a few things from her collection from Every one of the things I purchased was defective - cheaply made - looked like something you'd buy at the dollar store. So I posted honest 1-star reviews for every item. Each review was initially approved and stayed on the website for a day or two and then disappeared. I then noticed that this happens to almost ALL negative (1 and 2 star) reviews on ALL Pioneer Woman items. When I asked Walmart about it, I never received a reply. When I emailed Ree directly about it, she didn't have the decency to reply either.

Also, I have been trying to get some items replaced directly from Dee, as I was told to do by Walmart, for a month now. After numerous emails back and forth telling me she would replace the items, I have yet to receive replacements or even a shipment confirmation. Every time I email her inquiring about it, I'm told that she hasn't been given a shipment date either. And she leaves me hanging instead of providing the proper customer service she should and getting right on it.

Never again will I purchase anything from this woman and I'm telling everyone I know who even mentions her product line not to, unless they want poorly made, poor quality, damaged items followed by the nightmare of trying to get a refund or replacement.
J.l. M. February 8, 2019
That's what we get when we shop at WalMart.
Sarah T. February 23, 2019
Post your comments to Facebook and I bet you will get an answer. Go to her page and post.
annie February 2, 2019
I can't stand this woman. The food is unhealthy, she cooks way too much for humans to consume and she looks like death with makeup. Please end this. Even Paula Deen had more class than this b----!
Aden January 11, 2019
The problem is that she's a terrible and lazy cook with absolutely no idea what she's talking about. Someone like that giving advice to people is just not on.
J.l. M. November 4, 2018
The real problem is that Ree is so thirsty for fame and fortune that she'll do a racist joke just to pander to any racist viewers. She's a city girl, she knows what she's doing. She's using light racism to get ahead.

And some of you like it.
J.l. M. November 4, 2018
I'm sorry, don't know what an "Asian Wing" even is -- there are so many kinds, and they are so much more delicious than a "Buffalo Wing"! Asian food is an ancient cuisine from multiple countries and the very idea of labeling them "Asian Wings" is awfully vague.

As for Ree, her fake ranch w/its fake happy family is phony. I watch her show sometimes to see what she's cooking but it's increasingly stunt-filled. Unlike Ina Garten, who just has a great palate and yummy recipes and doesn't do stunts.

J.l. M. November 4, 2018
"But all Asian Wings" look alike!"
Kirstieeeeee May 26, 2019
I agree that Asian food is delicious and varied, and this whole controversy has justifiably landed Ree in hot water. But you don't have to put down American food to praise Asian food though lmao. Cayenne pepper sauce and butter on wings is perfectly delicious in its own right, you just don't have to insult an entire continent to express that appreciation.
Nee May 26, 2019
Do you mean the Ina Garten that refused to meet with the kid from the Make A Wish Foundation? You know...the kid with cancer?? That Ina Garten??? She's such a stand up person. Very classy...
Jean September 25, 2018
What if she had served buffalo wings and the eaters didn't like them and then she joked that she was only kidding and brought out the "real" Asian wings. Should then the buffaloes be upset or the people from Buffalo be offended? It's food, not a commentary on racial equality. Get over it, Mr and Ms Oversensitives.
Sharon July 24, 2018
Oh no, not again. Please don't resurrect this. EVERYONE, put your hands up and step AWAY from the computer. That's it, nice and easy now. That's good. Back up slowly and leave the room. NOW GET YOUR SORRY BUTTS INTO THE KITCHEN AND COOK SOMETHING!
Darlene July 24, 2018
Bwahahaha!!! Excellent advice!
Shani July 24, 2018
I just ran across this article. I have never watched Food52 or the Pioneer Woman for that matter although I have heard of both. After reading the article and people's comments I tried to think objectively. What I am concluding is that this is just a symptom of a bigger problem. The reason that these "provocations" are popping up over what seems like the slightest thing is that we as a new world culture have a giant pink elephant in the room. Our diversity has been built on a lot of oppression, suppression and denial that has not really been openly talked about and acknowledged. I think when we take a critical look at ourselves and how we got where we are in America today (the good, the bad and the ugly) then we can start healing. We can't suck it up and move on if we are not honest and open about hearing other people's experiences. The more we try to move on without addressing the inequalities that have occurred and continue to occur the more these "provocations" are going to leak into every area of our lives. When you have a wound in one area that has goes untreated for so long it begins to fester and soon the whole body is infected. There are very few people left who are actually native to this country. We almost wiped out an entire nation so that we could escape political, religious and economical oppression. Now we are inflicting that same oppression on others! Oh the irony! Where there is smoke there is fire. Let's help one another put the fires out. More listening, less judging.
Keisa F. January 8, 2019
Yes! Well said.
Kirstieeeeee May 26, 2019
I totally agree. Thank you for your rational and thoughtful response

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