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April 3, 2017
Whilst Food should be simply shared and enjoyed, it is enriched with the backdrop of history and how it came to be. I don think the future is being political it being factual about how Palestinian Food has travelled and become a part of this particular persons life. Stating history and evolution of ones history and food isn't political or racial, it simply explaining the traditions of past, present and hopefully the future.
April 3, 2017
Sorry, snowflakes, but focusing on food and culture, not politics, is not an act of violence. Do you seriously, in our very dangerous world, not understand what real violence is? You minimize the true suffering of millions of people when you suck the real meaning out of the word.
April 3, 2017
Sorry, snowflakes, but focusing on food and culture, not politics, is not an act of violence. Do you seriously, in our very dangerous world, not understand what real violence is? You minimize the true suffering of millions of people when you suck the real meaning out of the word.
April 2, 2017
I just bought the book! We had an exchange student from Gaza and she changed our lives. I'm excited to learn more about her and your culture history and culture!
joudie K.
April 3, 2017
This is wonderful news! Thank you so much for writing this.... It means a lot to hear that. j x
March 31, 2017
This site has always been a place to find great recipes and learn about the food of other cultures. Politics have no place here. The terms "nakba, the catastrophe" are entirely out of place here. I hope the editors will be more careful in the future.
Mike S.
March 31, 2017
Shame on dweiss11 for this comment, which I hope the editors will remove. Denying someone's history and culture and narrative is an act of violence in and of itself and should always be condemned.
March 31, 2017
But the catastrophe is part of the history of the food. If it upsets you so much, then go somewhere else. I am thankful that food52 has included that part of Joudie's story.
I agree with the sentiments of the commenter above me, michael.sidman.5, leaving out parts of stories is incredibly violent.
I agree with the sentiments of the commenter above me, michael.sidman.5, leaving out parts of stories is incredibly violent.
Merrill S.
April 2, 2017
Mayukh was entirely correct to include relevant details in the recounting of Joudie's experience. This is not a political statement or stance. As some commenters have noted, politics is part of everything, including food. If we were to sanitize personal narratives by removing details like this, it would be hard for us to justify covering such stories at all.
April 2, 2017
Love this article by Mayukh Sen on Joudie Kalla: what could be more enriching and true to both history and culture (and these thru the lens of food!) than a narrative without erasure (yes, as Merrill Stubbs says, without "sanitizing" such personal narratives). I feel inspired to purchase Joudie Kalla's book: thanks food52 for featuring this for your readership!!!
Mayukh S.
April 3, 2017
Thanks for chiming in, everyone, before I could. dweiss11, I'd also direct you to the following letter penned by Merrill and Amanda earlier this year that directly refutes your suggestion that politics have no place on this site: https://food52.com/blog/18961-our-answer-to-politics-don-t-belong-on-food52
joudie K.
April 3, 2017
Yes indeed some politics are intertwined with a people for all eternity! I think this is a very relevant thing to recognise and glad that you and many others think so.
J x
J x
joudie K.
April 3, 2017
Thank you for the support. it is a very huge and important part of our life and shaping of our future.
joudie K.
April 3, 2017
i think the editors should keep this post up as it shows the ignorance and silencing other people always want to have on us Palestinians and it just shames them really. And the general support of this amazing article is what counts most! Thank you! j x
joudie K.
April 3, 2017
Sorry Dweiss but i think you are 100% mistaken in your comment. This Nakba catastrophe is what created a surge of people like myself, children of refugees kicked out of their own home to fight a resistance through any art form, be it cooking, poetry, art, music etc etc to change the narrative that has been long stamped on us and it is part of our fabric. Life and everything with it is interconnected with politics and history and if it offends you then you should not read such things. I think taking that away from who i am is insulting for all those in my family who lost their lives and the many other who continue to do so since this Nakba has continued for the last 70 years. Dont be so closed minded, and dig deeper please.
Meera J.
April 4, 2017
Dweiss you're completely ignorant in your assessment of the situation. By trying to silence the palestinians and those that recognize the catastrophe that is the Nakba you are trying to erase history and all that has happened since Palestine was so brutally divided up and its people expelled. Your comment shows your lack of understanding and comprehension of the situation and the underlying culture of the palestinians. shame on you.
Matilda L.
March 30, 2017
Just ordered my copy! Can hardly wait until my copy arrives.
joudie K.
March 30, 2017
Thats so fabulous to hear. I hope you will love it and share what you have cooked with me.
J x
J x
March 30, 2017
Ah! Adding this one to my WANT list.
joudie K.
March 30, 2017
Thank you. I hope you love it. When you do get it please let me know what you think
j x
j x
Kayley N.
March 30, 2017
Buying this lovely cookbook! My FIL was Palestinian, born in 1945 in Jerusalem and then forced from his home in 1948. Before Alzheimer's took his mind and then him, he shared his mama's recipes with me. I get such joy in cooking them with my now three year old son who knows what sumac is and calls me his "habibii". Thank you for sharing!
joudie K.
March 30, 2017
Thats so lovely to hear! Im so glad he managed to share them with you. What a cute little boy you have. I hope you teach him all about your dads recipes one day
J x
J x
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