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February 25, 2022
This would have been more interesting if you'd tried vinegar and baking soda (separately) *without* a cold water bath. We already know that cold water makes eggs easy to peel; combining methods just muddies your results.
The pinhole trick keeps the eggs from cracking while they boil. The hole lets the little pocket of air escape from the big end of the egg, which gives the egg room to expand as it cooks without cracking the shell. (The pinhole also, as you say, eliminates the flattening effect created by the air pocket, giving you a more egg-shaped cooked egg.) Not sure the hole makes boiled eggs easier to peel, but it certainly doesn't hurt.
The pinhole trick keeps the eggs from cracking while they boil. The hole lets the little pocket of air escape from the big end of the egg, which gives the egg room to expand as it cooks without cracking the shell. (The pinhole also, as you say, eliminates the flattening effect created by the air pocket, giving you a more egg-shaped cooked egg.) Not sure the hole makes boiled eggs easier to peel, but it certainly doesn't hurt.
Brett V.
April 14, 2020
I always added a couple tablespoons of cooking oil to the water in the beginning. Once egg timer said hard boiled, I dumped out the hot water, set the pot in the sink and ran cold water over them until the eggs were cool enough to handle. Drain all water out the pot, give it good shake to break up the shells then begin peeling under a gentle stream of cold water from the faucet. Nearly every egg slides out if the shell with little actually peeling.
Jerry W.
June 15, 2019
My mother told me many years ago just add salt once the water is boiling so I had a couple tablespoons of salt to the water then put the eggs in after 5 or 10 minutes 10 minutes take the eggs out and drop rinse them off cold water and soak them in ice water when they're cool down they peel very very easily
Robin R.
January 25, 2019
I have tried many methods. I have found the best way is to steam the eggs (no pressure cooker required). Use a 2 part steamer pot (or pot with steamer basket), boil water in bottom, put eggs in top and cover. Time the eggs to your preference (I cook for 15 minutes). Put in cold water for a few minutes, tap eggs to crack, eggs easily slide out of shells. I can't take credit for this - got the method from Cooks Illustrated, they test everything to death.
Joe G.
April 1, 2021
Have been using this method since Cooks illustrated published it. Eggs cook more uniformly and the ice bath makes them a delight to peel.
Albert S.
January 24, 2019
here is my method. i boiled my eggs useing the cold water method, then went to mess around on Facebook, about 10-15 minutes later i jump up and turn the heat off, because all the water boiled out of the pot. this happened to me twice in a row. i immediatly cooled them down and put them in the icebox. amazingly they were easy to peel and didnt taste any worse for the wear. of course if they were left any longer on the heat, i would have lost my pan AND the eggs. dont try this method at home. LOL
Michelle W.
October 13, 2018
I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed reading this article abt peeling eggs easily. You're a very good writer. And look forward to seeing more from you abt cooking
August 17, 2018
Wait a second... I thought you started cold and turned off the gas when the rolling boiling point was reached. How do you reconcile that cooking approach with the peeling suggestion you recommend?
April 18, 2018
I thought I had tried every trick in the book until I received a copy of J Kenji López Alt's cookbook (The Food Lab). The hot start; quench; cook process is by far the most reliable. The issue of eggs exploding on entry to the boiling water remains, though it appears to be a result of using eggs with cracks which (while not visible) still make for weak shells.
December 17, 2017
i tend to agree they're easier to peel right after you cook them. instead of waiting for them to "cool" tho, i scoop them out w/a spoon, rinse for 1-2s w/cool running water, crack and roll on the counter, and then resume peeling under the dripping water. no burnt fingers, no messy egg shells pieces on my floor.
Robin R.
August 13, 2017
I have a foolproof method that is easier and works 100% of the time. Steam the eggs. Boil water, put the eggs in the steamer insert or basket and put over the boiling water, cover and reduce heat slightly. Steam 13-15 minutes. Cool in water, crack the egg (just tap on the top or bottom, you only need a few cracks) and the shell slides right off. Plus the yolks look really good.
Noreen F.
June 18, 2017
Very helpful. I will have to try some of these. Now what's the secret to getting the yolks to stay in the center of the egg? It's hard to make deviled eggs when there's only a thin layer of white over one side.
Regna H.
June 18, 2017
Hi, Noreen...I just stir them periodically and the yolk stays pretty much centered!
George D.
October 22, 2018
Turn the eggs over before cooking let them rest and the yolk should migrate to the center
June 10, 2017
The "recipe" is here: http://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2014/04/steamed-hard-boiled-eggs-recipe.html
June 10, 2017
Only thing that works for me EVERY time is to follow J. Kenji Lopez-Alt's directions: http://www.seriouseats.com/2014/05/the-secrets-to-peeling-hard-boiled-eggs.html
Regna H.
June 9, 2017
When the eggs are done, pour out the boiling water but leave the eggs in the pan. (Your pan should be large enough so the eggs do not overlap but are in one layer.) Shake the pan several times to begin cracking the eggs. Place the pan in the sink and run cold water over your eggs while you peel them. (Peeling them while they are still warm is the easiest way to peel them! If they get cold, they are impossible!) And if you can start at the top pointy end of the egg where the little air sac is, it will help get the water under that membrane and therefore the shell will come right off. I have been peeling eggs like this for years, (I am 65!) and many times I have had the whole shell come off in one piece!
June 9, 2017
Doesn't putting cold eggs into boiling water make them crack open? Every time I put fridge-cold eggs into warm water to try and save time, at least one splits open.
June 9, 2017
I have chickens and therefore have fresh eggs. I have tried all of these hacks and then some and still have a heck of a time. I don't even bother trying anymore.
June 9, 2017
I live in a dairy state in which everyone knows that we have to age our supermarket eggs 2-3 weeks, and, for the Fourth of July, buy the eggs from the Farmers' Market on the Fourth of July. I have tried all of the tricks listed and they just don't work unless the eggs are aged. And some--like Julia Child's trick with the pinhole, or the tip with the teaspoon--can waste eggs. However, my Instant Pot is a miracle machine! I tried it on eggs fresh from the Farmers' Market and they peeled like a dream! Supposedly the pressure creates air between the shell and membrane just as what happens when eggs are aged.
June 10, 2017
I agree...I use aged eggs also for my hard boiled, and I do the pin hole trick...perfection every time?! Try to get eggs one week before you actually need to have them, for example, deviled eggs!
Kathryn K.
June 9, 2017
The reason they're hard to peel is that they are too fresh. I was told by a local egg producer to encircle the large end with your fingers and thumb. Just have a small area visible. Tap lightly, very lightly, with the back of a teaspoon just enough to hear it crack but not enough to see the crack. Then cook as usual. works every time for me.
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