
Get in the Spring Spirit With These 14 Lofty, Showstopping Cakes

April  1, 2018

Whether it’s a simple two-tiered treat or a mile-high masterpiece—there’s something so impressive about layer cakes. They’re the main event, standing out among the platters and plates of finger foods and snacks, while everyone waits for the ceremony of cutting a slice. No matter the celebration—Passover, Easter, Mother’s Day, a wedding, the end of cold weather—a lofty layer cake is just the centerpiece you need. Here, we’ve gathered 14 of our most majestic multitiered creations that really take the cake. And if none of these tickle your fancy, don’t forget you can always peruse our Automagic Spring Menu Maker!

What’s your favorite celebration cake? Do you love layers, too?

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Katie is a food writer and editor who loves cheesy puns and cheesy cheese.