Photo by Bobbi Lin
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Wendy S.
April 30, 2021
I didn't see mention of the "eyes" – leave them in or take them out? I always heard they had high concentration of a toxic chemical, solanine I think it's called, and so I fanatically remove them so I have these divots all over my potatoes - but at least they don't explode. Am I the only one that does this?
November 16, 2019
And just to add another echo to the "potatoes can and do explode group", I too have experienced this unfortunate event. Sticky, starchy potato fluff. EVERYWHERE.
March 8, 2020
I don’t prick my potatoes but I do run a knife along the length of it on one side, placing that side up in the oven. I learned that from my mother and it is both easier and faster than pricking it with a fork all over.
In addition, once baked the potatoes naturally opens up along the slice.
In addition, once baked the potatoes naturally opens up along the slice.
September 15, 2019
There is another way: microwave the potato first, then put in very hot oven (perhaps painting the potato with olive oil or your choice of oil/fat beforehand). This speeds up getting the center hot, but also achieves the necessary baked potato nirvana of a crisp outer skin that can be eaten!
September 15, 2019
I have had a potato explode. Not only does it thickly cover every surface and crack, it dries on immediately. I learned to poke baked potatoes the hard way. Save yourself a whole day of oven cleaning.
September 15, 2019
Not included in the helpful article above: use smaller Russets. Our local grocery has both individual huge Russets and bags of 4” Russets and we found the small ones not only cook faster but taste/texture better.
Think I’m going to try rubbing them with bacon fat! Thanks.
Think I’m going to try rubbing them with bacon fat! Thanks.
September 15, 2019
I can't believe no one has suggested the only true way to bake a potato: rub the skin with bacon fat before putting it in the oven. The skin is even crispier, plus, you know, everything is better with bacon. What else are you saving that bacon fat for?
September 15, 2019
In the 45 years I have been baking bare-skinned russets directly on my oven rack at 410° F, not one had exploded until a month ago! And even after that episode (in full denial), I was refusing to pierce the skins with a fork before baking. My boyfriend thought that was silly of me, and now he enters the kitchen at the point just before I place them on the rack and insists on piercing the skins with a fork himself. It’s probably because he, selfishly, doesn’t want to experience me cursing and hunched over the interior oven for half an hour muscling sticky, heat-adhered potato guts. Potatoes - the pied piper of my kitchen.
September 15, 2019
Olive oil and salt. Yum.
When we do use the microwave with a potato for eating as a 'baked potato' we start in the microwave and then finish up in the oven (we use a toaster oven with convection) to obtain that crisp skin.
When we do use the microwave with a potato for eating as a 'baked potato' we start in the microwave and then finish up in the oven (we use a toaster oven with convection) to obtain that crisp skin.
September 10, 2019
Don’t forget grilling! If I’m grilling anyway, why bother heating up the oven? Same process, except I use olive oil and kosher salt. Takes the same time, 45 min or so, and you’re right there watching the steaks!
Ed C.
September 10, 2019
Toppings, eh? You haven't yet discovered cultured butter, then. Run - don't walk - to Trader Joe's - grab one of those dull blue packages from Brittany on the French coast - and enter a new level of buttery taste and texture.
September 8, 2019
An aluminium baking nail, or a gadget with four prongs for four potatoes, halves the cooking time.
September 5, 2019
Mayo is also a good topping. To some it might sound gross and it did to me upon a time. Then my roommate made her aunt's baked potato topped with light mayo (yep, double ewww), black olives, and pepperoncini (or banana peppers). And it was DELICIOUS! With the vinegary sharpness from the peppers and the saltiness of the olives, It was creamy and tangy yummy-ness. No weird jarred mayo flavor, much less low-fat mayo. It was in essence my favorite potato salad.
September 4, 2019
Over a lifetime's (so far) experience of baking potatoes, I have witnessed the explosion of a potato in the oven exactly one time. Once. (Result: Hash-browns all over the inside of the oven.) So, while the odds of a potato exploding would be small, the chance is not zero.
September 15, 2019
Thank you for saying this. I've seen it more than twice, pricked by a fork or not. Potatoes can explode. This is not a "legend" and pricking does not prevent it.
January 21, 2020
I always slice a bit off each end of the potato. I was told about 60 or so years ago that this would prevent blowouts. Well, I don't know about that. I have had a couple blow up over the decades but I cannot remember if I sliced the ends off or not. Nevertheless I still do it. I have also always baked my potatoes directly on the rack. To test for doneness I use a potholder and squeeze the potatoes This may not be a great idea if you are oiling and salting the exterior. I will probably find out tonight when I rub my potatoes down with bacon grease. That do sound yummy.
Catherine C.
December 31, 2021
I've had one potato blow up on me. But that was one too many. I always do a lot of pricking!
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