Food History
A Brief History of Canadian Thanksgiving
And what we can learn from our neighbors up north.
Photo by Sydney Kramer

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Pamela L.
October 13, 2021
I believe the origin is Britain's Harvest Festival which is always in mid-October.
October 10, 2021
On the whole, this is a good capture of Canadian Thanksgiving. However, I'd like gently to point out that maple syrup and back bacon (NOT Canadian bacon, please and thank you) don't have much place in the cuisine of many sections of the country. In particular, back bacon is pretty much unheard of in western Canada. I don't even know where I'd buy it if I wanted to. I eat side bacon (AKA the same "bacon" eaten in the States) like every other Canadian I know when I want bacon. Please don't think that the regional cuisine of Ontario and Quebec represents all Canadians.
Tonight I'm making rack of pork for my personal Thanksgiving dinner, FYI - it's really about whatever you think makes for a great feast! Sides will be roasted potatoes with onion, and steamed fresh broccoli in some kind of dressing TBD. And yes, there will be leftovers!
Tonight I'm making rack of pork for my personal Thanksgiving dinner, FYI - it's really about whatever you think makes for a great feast! Sides will be roasted potatoes with onion, and steamed fresh broccoli in some kind of dressing TBD. And yes, there will be leftovers!
October 10, 2021
Due to the pandemic this is the first time in 2 years that our group is getting back together. We have decided to go with potluck, and with the varied cultural backgrounds, we are having lamb Rogan Josh with potato romanoff, green beans, mushrooms and more. There is always too much food and a break between the main meal and cheese and dessert is required. In the end it is being together that makes the day special.
Anne C.
October 14, 2019
Yes you can get to celebrate more than one thanksgiving in Canada. You might celebrate with your own sisters and brothers than share a meal with in-laws and sometimes even a third with office friends whose families are too far away. If you’re really lucky you’ll have some leftovers enough to make a hot turkey sandwich. Yum.
October 13, 2019
Please note: we call the holiday "Thanksgiving", not "Canadian Thanksgiving", as you suggest in your article. And tourtière is far more likely to be served at Christmas or New Year than on Thanksgiving.
Ellen G.
October 15, 2019
Hope you enjoyed a lovely Thanksgiving weekend, howcool. The weather was glorious, providing plenty of opportunity to visit your wonderful markets, public gardens, and waterfront.
October 13, 2019
Thanks for your summary of our Canadian Thanksgiving. I hope you enjoyed your visit with family in Canada.
It was interesting to learn that some families serve tortiere at Thanksgiving. I am in my 70s now and for as long as I can remember we had tortiere on Boxing Day. I think in most French Canadian homes it is served on Christmas Eve. Cheers
It was interesting to learn that some families serve tortiere at Thanksgiving. I am in my 70s now and for as long as I can remember we had tortiere on Boxing Day. I think in most French Canadian homes it is served on Christmas Eve. Cheers
October 13, 2019
In my background, French Canadian, it has NEVER been pumpkin pie. Butter Tarts, and Apple pie were always the choice. We always viewed the pumpkin pie and candied yams an American spin and never appealed to my family. Still doesn't. And if you need a good recipe for butter tarts, sans corn syrup, let me know. :)
Pinkhouse P.
October 13, 2019
One reason Canadians move the meal around on the weekend is that for many of us, Thanksgiving is the weekend when we close up our cottages for the winter. That means we have to do a massive fridge clean-out and put the kitchen (and everything else) to bed on Monday before the drive back to our city homes. We almost always have family dinner on Sunday to accommodate stragglers, those of us who have to work Saturday, etc. Monday we have turkey soup (with the leftovers thrown in) and turkey sandwiches for lunch. Most of us eat pumpkin pie but we have a pie alternative - usually apple, sometimes pecan - for those (like me) who don't love it. Happy Thanksgiving!
Tamara L.
October 13, 2019
I am enjoying my Canadian Thanksgiving weekend, and the pumpkin pies are cooling. I was just thinking of making a few butter tarts, too and saw your article. I think your recipe as attached to the lovely article is missing eggs. The recipe in this article doesn’t match the one following the link provided.
October 13, 2019
Loved this article! Our humble non-shopping Thanksgiving is a welcome beginning to indoor cooking, coziness and hibernation. Also, having a 2 month break for the next Turkey at the end of December is nice.
Ellen G.
October 16, 2019
Thank you, Krista A.! Hope you enjoyed a lovely holiday weekend. And yes, a slight turkey pause is a good thing.
Linda C.
October 13, 2019
As a Canadian, I cannot imagine anything more appalling (and less Canadian) than putting corn syrup in butter tarts - blasphemy! But yes, yes we do add ethnic dishes to our feast. Trust me, there is something magical about turkey gravy over holopci (cabbage rolls). But it’s not always turkey. This year, my family is doing a roast duck with a kasha (buckwheat) casserole as the main side, and a pumpkin angel food cake for dessert. I have to be especially thankful for the option of having the big dinner on any of the three days - which solves the extended family problem. I do my dinner on Sunday. My oldest son’s wife’s family claims Monday, and my younger son’s wife’s family stakes out Saturday. Everybody’s happy - especially my sons who get to dive into two Thanksgiving dinners each!
Ellen G.
October 13, 2019
Hi All-
I also opt for your wonderful Canadian maple syrup when butter tart-ing. The recipe following the article is from the vast food52 archives. Sorry to learn about the egg omission.
Wishing everyone who celebrates a glorious holiday.🇨🇦🥧
I also opt for your wonderful Canadian maple syrup when butter tart-ing. The recipe following the article is from the vast food52 archives. Sorry to learn about the egg omission.
Wishing everyone who celebrates a glorious holiday.🇨🇦🥧
October 13, 2019
Lovely article - all but the Frobisher part. Poor old Martin Frobisher never got past Baffin Island, and gathered masses of useless rocks, hoping they contained gold. As life-long Canadian, celebrating 70 thanksgivings, i had never heard of him settling down to a thanksgiving dinner!
October 9, 2019
No reason to have corn syrup as an ingredient in the butter tarts when Canadians have the best maple syrup in the world.
October 9, 2019
The beauty of our casual three day weekend allows for diversity in food and gatherings. Our adult son gets together with singles for a potluck one day, football friends on Sunday and family on Monday and no shopping. Time to make butter tarts!
October 3, 2019
Another thing that makes Canadian T'giving unique is how we fold in our own cultural inspirations. My mother is West Indian, from Barbados, and it was not unusual to have Caribbean dishes along with typical Canadian fare on our T'giving table. Curried beef stews, black cake, rum punch - these things were all a part of my childhood Thanksgiving dinners. And the same thing went on in other homes with families with diverse backgrounds.
Ellen G.
October 3, 2019
I love this. Despite our cultural backgrounds, when we assemble around a table, we have much more in common than the things that keep us apart. Happy Holidays, glammie.
October 2, 2019
Thank you for sharing this wonderful post. I miss a lot of things, living in the US, about Canada and Canadian Thanksgiving but Butter Tarts and the casualness of it all are definitely high on my list. I will be making these this weekend.
October 3, 2019
How exciting to get a response. I love, love, love Food 52 and reading the articles. Thank you.
Barb S.
October 2, 2019
The most genius thing about the three day weekend for us is that you could potentially have three and maybe up to six thanksgiving meals as some do a full blown thanksgiving lunch as well. My ex in-laws always did the lunch thing. And yes, butter tarts are included and don’t forget the mincemeat tarts. Our family pretty much duplicates the big turkey dinner at Christmas. I’m Ukrainian-Canadian so sometimes pyrohy and holubsti are included with a condiment of shredded beets, horseradish, sugar, vinegar and salt. Basically, our thanksgiving is really at the tail end of harvest season so EVERYTHING is on the table :)
Ellen G.
October 2, 2019
Wow! All one needs is a good pair of stretchy pants and learning how to pace oneself. Love the idea of a little of everything on the table. Happy Holidays, Barb.
Barb S.
October 3, 2019
Very true lol, and thank you for the article. It’s always nice to see some info on our traditions up here. Happy Holidays to you too!
October 2, 2019
As a Canadian American, I actually don't love how the meal switches around over the weekend. There is something magical in the states about the quietness of the Thursday whenever so many people are celebrating one thing at the same time. But I love this article, and have a rival butter tart recipe ;)
Ellen G.
October 3, 2019
I know! The sense that everything grinds to a halt is so typically Thanksgiving appropriate. But to travel to Canada and not be tethered to one meal at a specific o’clock is somewhat freeing. Thanks for reading, Lauren and Happy Holiday season.
October 1, 2019
Oh, Canada! The 3-day option is the thing that sticks out to me most. Makes so much more sense than overindulging and having to go to work the next day.
October 1, 2019
I’m reminded of the Thanksgiving dinner one year when an American relative was visiting and asked about the genesis of Canadian Thanksgiving. We looked it up on the internet, of course, only to discover that some prankster had edited the Wikipedia article to include kittens as one of the traditional elements of the meal.
We go with the turkey in my family, but it’s really all about the stuffing - so much so that we no longer bother with potatoes, so that we can eat more of it.
We go with the turkey in my family, but it’s really all about the stuffing - so much so that we no longer bother with potatoes, so that we can eat more of it.
Claire T.
October 10, 2021
I totally agree with Porsha. Tourtières is a traditional québécois dish that does not include potatoes. And few Québécois eat pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving when Apple pie is generally prefered. And of course, no corn syrup in butter tarts, especially with our yummy maple syrup so easily available at a really affordable price. That said, lovely of you to write about our distinctive way of eating.
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