
In Tough Times, Our Community Shows Up

Thank you for inspiring us.

April  9, 2020
Photo by Rocky Luten

Dear Food52ers,

Nothing could have prepared any of us for the past few weeks. Throughout, you have awed us with your generosity, your can-do spirit, your sense of humor, and your creative force.

Here are just a few examples:

  • You’ve donated more than 10,000 cloth masks to medical facilities that are accepting donations as a supplement to their medical-grade masks.
  • You’ve supported our makers, who are the lifeblood of our Shop and more importantly, the friends we work with every day. "We've been overwhelmed by the support of the Food52 community," says ceramicist Jono Pandolfi. "It is so encouraging to know that our customers are still out there, cooking at home and enjoying our dinnerware, when the rest of the world seems to be going sideways."
  • You’ve passed on 250+ of your best pantry cooking tips in our Facebook Cookbook Club.
  • You’ve shared 6,500+ photos and videos of what you’re cooking on Instagram through #f52community.
  • You’ve discussed sourdough starters, spice substitutions, minimizing food waste, and much more on our Hotline.
  • You’ve traded tips on how to support independent bookstores, small wineries, and other local businesses in our article comments.

You’ve inspired and energized us—and we’re beyond grateful.

Happy you’re here—always,

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Food52 (we cook 52 weeks a year, get it?) is a food and home brand, here to help you eat thoughtfully and live joyfully.