The Biscuits on 'Ted Lasso' Are Legendary—& We Got the Recipe
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March 13, 2023
Shortbread has been one of my signatures for pot lucks, party contirbutions, etc. For over 30 years. My recipe is a 3 ingredient simple one: 4c flour, 1c sugar and 1# butter, sometimes 1/2 t salt. I've found the quality of the butter is critical and nothing works as well as the 1# blocks of Plugra butter. The 1/2# Plugra is different. I've tried many differrtn butters from other countries as well but the 1# brick is the best solution. My professional pastry and kitchen chefs agree. I do not chill the dough, mix it with a knife blade in a food processor in two half-batches and press it into a ~9 x 13 glass pan, bake at 350 for browner, lower temp to make it more cake-like. This is not as tall as Ted's--could use a smaller pan if you want it taller.
March 22, 2023
Thank you for sharing your precious recipe! I think I’ll try yours during Easter. ❤️
March 13, 2023
They are a classic shortbread - and identical to the recipe I got from my late MIL. I love shortbread.
March 11, 2023
Recipe is almost perfect. I make mine exactly like this, but add 1 tsp vanilla extract and 1/2 tsp almond extract. Two more layers of subtle flavor that make the biscuits sing.
Tucker &.
December 19, 2022
So a dear friend loaned me one of those lovely wooden embossing (I think that’s the right word 🤦🏻♀️) rolling pins. Could I use it with this recipe after the dough was chilled. I was thinking I could press it onto parchment in the pan with enough of an overhang to lift it out once chilled, roll it a bit then fit it back into the pan without the paper. Am I nuts??
Penny P.
March 11, 2023
No, the dough is too soft. When I make sugar cookies to use my carved rolling pins I make a regular recipe but replace 1/4c flour with 1/4 cup potato starch/flour. After embossing and cutting out your cookies chill them well on the baking pan (with cookies on parchment paper on pan) before baking. After finished allow to cool a bit before removing to a cooling rack.
March 13, 2023
I disagree with Penny. For one, she is giving advice for sugar cookies and this is a shortbread recipe. Shortbread is traditionally embossed, so while I've never made this particular recipe, yes, I think you could successfully emboss them. Worth a try, anyway.
Marilyn H.
December 19, 2022
Your recipe doesn't include vanilla but the Tik Tok video mentioned in the article shows 1 tsp of vanilla added. What is correct?
Barbara C.
October 21, 2022
In the 1800's, Queen Victoria was served Scottish Shortbread in Scotland that had an egg in the recipe. Recipes change over generations to include or exclude different ingredients. Please make a recipe according to how you like it and don't slavishly copy a recipe because someone tells you that THIS recipe is the only one, the be all and the end all. I am nearing 78 next month, have studied food chemistry when young and have made studying food in general a life long passion ever since. Add coloured sprinkles if you like; add vanilla if you like; add an egg if you like; use fruit sugar; use icing sugar; use rice flour; use corn starch; use chocolate chips; use silver dragees. But please don't become a recipe nazi. Food is meant to be enjoyed first and foremost!
Penny P.
March 11, 2023
Recipe nazi! Really! If posts like this get people baking for themselves, great! If they are a novice they have a perfect forum here to ask questions. Try to be a little kinder please.
March 12, 2023
Simmer down—it’s just an expression {eyeroll}. She’s not accusing anyone of anything and thus she doesn’t merit being shushed about kindness for pete’s sake. She’s encouraging creativity and relying on your gut when baking instead of being rigid. There’s nothing unkind in her post.
March 13, 2023
Please consider the use of this ugly noun and how it lands on people whose people suffered under the Nazi regime. I get so tired of people using it thoughtlessly, even though I know they don’t mean any harm. And, I agree with the underlying message of this poster 100 percent! We need more creativity and freedom in the kitchen. Don’t worry about wonky deviations. Live and learn and laugh about them.
October 21, 2022
Calm down, people. It is just a Plain Shortbread recipe. The same recipe and same way they have been making it for ages now. What's wrong with people raising all the hells for usual stuff nowadays?!
Barbara C.
October 21, 2022
actually there are many recipes for shortbread. Make it the way you like it.
January 10, 2022
Will you PLEASE edit the favorites pull-down menu so I can save to
Instead of deserts
Instead of deserts
Barbara C.
October 21, 2022
h to find shortbread in a desert -- my one passion left in life!!! hahaha
January 3, 2022
If you think you don't like shortbread, you didn't have enough salt. The salt is what brings out the flavor of the butter. Don't skimp. (I actually use salted butter, which contains a lot more salt than this recipe.)
December 19, 2022
I only bake with salted butter. I know, it is against all the recommendations. But it makes the better in the recipe taste better. I then reduce the amount I use in the actual recipe.
Sandra R.
October 28, 2021
Hello people: Shortbread never should have or should have, vanilla. Sugar cookies and butter cookies have vanilla and egg yolk. Shortbread’s flavor is from flour, butter and just enough sugar. This recipe is perfect as is. I cut before baking and again out of the oven as it creates crisp straight edges.
October 22, 2021
Personally I like a little honey on top instead of sugar, like Churches does. Probably heat the honey with a little butter and brush on while still hot from oven.
October 21, 2021
So, if you bake by volume, it's 2 parts flour, 1 part butter, and powdered sugar to your taste (1/4 - 3/4 part - I go with the least), plus a pinch of salt and a tsp vanilla (if you wish). Variation: replace some of the flour with ground almonds and press sliced almonds into the top before baking
October 21, 2021
Honestly, I make many different kind of cookies but, my shortbread cookies are always the winner even over chocolate chip. Thanks for the suggestion. I will definitely try your suggestion.
October 19, 2021
When chilling the dough, is it chilled in the pan that will be placed into the oven? Or should I flatten the dough and then remove it from the pan for refrigeration? I've always used a non-cold pan for baking. Should the dough and pan be brought to room temperature prior to being placed in the oven?
Barbara C.
October 19, 2021
I have always chilled the dough before rolling out - like pastry. Wrap in clingfilm and refrigerate maybe a half an hour. Then roll and cut. It cuts much better when it is cold. Place on baking pan and away you go.
Kelly V.
October 20, 2021
For this recipe, the dough should be pressed directly in the pan and then chilled. No need to bring the dough or pan to room temperature before baking!
October 15, 2021
Ted Lasso may be a grown-up version of a sit-com but everything about it defies the label. The writing. The freshness. The comedic timing and talent of these actors. On my second pass through two seasons, it's lucky I'm seated on a sofa; I might just laugh my ass off. We can't miss the irony that Apple, the company that might actually make the planet spin faster one day, produced this heart-warming gem, almost retro in its sincerity. "Releasing" the biscuit recipe is pure genius PR. Feta Pasta made Finland run out of the cheese. Will the world now run out of butter?
Barbara C.
October 15, 2021
the world might not run out of butter but it seems that it might run out of truck drivers to get it to market.
October 14, 2021
But Hannah said the biscuits were awful… 🤣
January 9, 2022
Hannah said they were awful one time, and Ted revealed that he may have mistaken salt for the sugar.
Aris S.
October 14, 2021
Thank you for this recipe and all the funny comments about the show which I love! Who wouldn't love Ted Lasso?! My mouth was truly watering each time Rebecca literally shoved a biscuit in her mouth. Can't wait to try the recipe and even use some of the suggestions.
Kelly V.
October 15, 2021
Totally agree with other commenters who recommended good butter and vanilla. Hope they turn out delicious and you love them as much as the show!
October 14, 2021
I haven’t made these ones yet, but I grew up in Canada eating British shortbread and the list of ingredients is indeed accurate. Good butter is key. Extra typically sweetening ingredients are North American additions to make shortbread into a “cookie” which it is most definitely not. It may be underwhelming to our palate but the taste of good butter will shine through. Enjoy. I’ll be making these for the next family gathering.
October 15, 2021
Agreed, this is the same as my family's traditional Christmas shortbread cookies. My grandfather would make them as a dropped, pressed cookie with glace cherries but I would either roll them out and cut them in shapes or roll the dough into a log and cut slices of the refrigerated dough.
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