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July 17, 2023
Could you offer weights for ingredients too?
Maureen B.
July 18, 2023
12oz coarse ground coffee, 10 cups water. Separate in the toddy as follows: 3 cups water, 6oz coffee, 3 cups water, 6oz coffee-wait 4 minutes, 4 cups water. Leave out on counter 24 hours, then decant into carafe.
For iced cold brew--Serve in 16oz. glass utilizing 1/3 cold brew concentrate, add ice, creamer, then fill with cold water.
For iced cold brew--Serve in 16oz. glass utilizing 1/3 cold brew concentrate, add ice, creamer, then fill with cold water.
December 12, 2022
Not so much how to cold brew, but how to keep the brew cold when you drink it. I make coffee ice cubes! So, my perfectly brewed coffee doesn’t get watered down. And I use a rather large cube so it keeps it cold for as long as I need to drink it!
December 13, 2022
Thank you for mansplaining that for me! This woman, however, likes her cold brew strong and I am not alone if you happen to scroll down! Mmmm…strong, cold coffee!
Lisa M.
August 14, 2022
Well I think I found my favorite, sorry to say its not home brewed ,but OMG make the best ice coffee. I do not care for sugar in my coffee. I think it ruins the taste, but I do love half an half It alittle sweet. So the coffee I use is Bustelo! The best . Its not bitter and melt in ice cold water. 👍🏻🥰
August 14, 2022
I know that this isn’t cold brew, but I like it. At night I put 3 scoops ground coffee into my 16 oz French press (instead of 2), fill it with nearly boiling water and let it sit until it cools (morning), then press it and drink. I drink it black, I don’t sweeten it, I may or may not add ice. If I set up the same way, will this work for cold brew without heating the water, or would I need to add more ground coffee?
June 28, 2022
It is untrue that cold brew is “brewed cold and never heated.” You can cold brew a large jar and have it hot or cold as you like. Brewing cold can provide coffee with less acidity, even if you reheat it.
April 20, 2022
I make it in the morning in my French press, using slightly more beans than I would for hot, then stick it in the refrigerator and plunge 24 hours later. My 32 ounce press makes enough for two days.
Maureen B.
September 13, 2021
Living in the Sonoran Desert in Arizona once I started making my own cold brew, I never looked back. I use the Cold Brew Toddy maker which does with reusable filter and a bucket (to soak your beans of choice) that fits on ( to decant without mess) the included glass carafe, which I then store my concentrated cold brew for the week. LOVE IT!! ...especially when I use my locally roasted organic "Cowboy Beans"!
September 13, 2021
I drink coffee. I make coffee. I have my rights. Everyone here drinks way too much coffee and it's too strong I have my opinion.. I now have my exit. Don't forget most of all have a great day.
Ahmed K.
January 30, 2021
very nice Coffee I already upload creamy coffee https://www.kitchencookingsecret.com/2021/01/creamy-coffee-at-home-nescafe-coffee.html
December 13, 2020
I purchased a cold brew pot from Hario. So easy. Add coffee grounds, pour in water, snap on lid and put into refrigerator. After about 8 hours or so, remove the filter basket and you have cold-brewed coffee. Very smooth and low in acidity.
June 26, 2020
I made the account just to say what the hell is up with everyone using volume?! Not everyone is gonna grind the same! Some people are gonna have more coffee in their 3/4 cup than others!! Use grams or measure volume in whole beans!!
Seleena P.
July 11, 2020
First, the article does say 1/4 cup of BEANS. Second, it also says adjust the ratio to your preference. You're wanting a precise measurement which just isn't necessary for this recipe. Third, calm the F down. This ain't a delicate recipe. It's freaking coffee. Some how over the years of human history, we've managed to make a million different coffee recipes without exact measurements. Maybe you need fewer cups before you post.
Carol N.
November 24, 2019
So as not to dilute the coffee if you decide to have it iced, try making coffee ice cubes in a tray
November 24, 2019
I have a silicone ice tray which I use to make coffee ice cubes. I can’t seem to clean the coffee smell it leaves, so I use that only for coffee ice cubes. And that’s even when put in the dishwasher.
Save unused brewed coffee for the ice cubes.
BTW: I used to brew my cold brew until I found through a friend’s suggestion, a product called Grady’s Cold Brew. It has chicory in it. So easy. Publix carries it.
The pods go into your pitcher, fill with cold water and after 12 hours, voilá.
Save unused brewed coffee for the ice cubes.
BTW: I used to brew my cold brew until I found through a friend’s suggestion, a product called Grady’s Cold Brew. It has chicory in it. So easy. Publix carries it.
The pods go into your pitcher, fill with cold water and after 12 hours, voilá.
Maureen B.
July 5, 2019
I’ve been drinking cold brews coffee for about 2years now—rarely drink hot. I love and use the Cold Brew Toddy Maker (bought for around $35 on Amazon). Comes with reusable filter that fits in bottom of “bucket” that has a rubber stopper on the bottom, as well as a glass carafe with lid. I layer 3 cups water, 6 oz coarsely ground coffee beans, another 3 cups and another 6 oz beans, pouring water over coffee in a spiral to fully wet beans. Wait 4 minutes and add 4 cups of water, for a total of 10 cups water, 12 oz. coarse ground coffee. Cover with foil and let sit on counter for 24 hrs. Remove rubber stopper and place “bucket” (fits perfectly over included glass carafe) and gravity works its magic as the perfect cold brew flows into the carafe. Makes enough for a week. I dilute 1 part concentrate to 3 parts water for a perfect 16 oz beverage. Even mull in some fresh mint, 2% and a little Stevia for a real treat:-)
Linda V.
June 11, 2019
I’ve been drinking cold brew for a couple of years. Have to drink decaf - it’s a heart thing - and discovered Barrie House decaf by accident. It’s the best decaf cold brew I’ve ever tried. Velvety chocolate notes that are sublime (especially from a decaf). Now I can really enjoy a cup of coffee again!
Mark P.
May 27, 2019
We found Civilized Coffee Cold Brew African Blend on Amazon . It has a larger grind and produces amazing flavors ( and my wife loves their packaging)
Margaret N.
September 8, 2018
When My Coffee Container is
Down to 1/4 full
Then I fill it with Water &
Steep 24 hours room temp.
24 Hours Steep Best.
December 7, 2018
So that’s basically a 1:3 ratio, just to point out the obvious for people who might find that too strong. I like the idea of just using your remaining grounds and container!
September 1, 2018
I always have fine grounds at the bottom of my cup is this normal?
Margaret N.
September 8, 2018
Yes, fine grind will find its way through.
If it bothers you...
Filter twice & Finer filter,
ie paper after cloth.
Try coarser grind,
although I believe all grinds end up w fine dusting.
If it bothers you...
Filter twice & Finer filter,
ie paper after cloth.
Try coarser grind,
although I believe all grinds end up w fine dusting.
April 7, 2019
I discovered a one micron filter material that I filter my cold-brewed grounds from the water. The supplier is Duda Energy, LLC. It comes in a large sheet - which I then cut down to fit into an old Black & Decker Brew'nGo filter I kept around. I rinse the filtration material and let it drip-dry after each use; it is ready for easy re-use the next morning. To fully clean the filtration material, I've found that using the high-pressure water spray nozzle that comes out of the sink spray device does the trick perfectly.
Product Name: 1 Yard Sheet of Polyester Filter Media, 72" width, 36" Length, 1 Sheet per quantity, 1 Micron (+$1.50)
. Unit Price: $12.75
Product Name: 1 Yard Sheet of Polyester Filter Media, 72" width, 36" Length, 1 Sheet per quantity, 1 Micron (+$1.50)
. Unit Price: $12.75
July 8, 2018
I make cold brew and I found these cylindrical metal mesh filters that fit into the mouth of a large mason jar. I use 1 - 1/4 c of coffee and about 7 c of water and let it sit overnight. Then you just remove the mesh cylinder and vwah-lah! Ya got yerself a mason jar of concentrated cold press, man!
Susan M.
January 2, 2019
Look up County Line Kitchen, Mason jar brewery infuser - I got a large one that was maybe $30, seems sleek and simple, and it had a lot of good reviews :)
July 6, 2018
I use the magic coffee recipe here. Awesome. I make it in a glass container, 2/3 cup of coarsely ground beans, and 4 cups of water. I grind cinnamon sticks, 1teaspoon, and add 2 tablespoons brown sugar, or organic palm sugar. Let it sit overnight, strain. I add ice cubes in a tall glass, pour it 3/4 full and about 1-2 tablespoons organic half and half. Wow it is good! I have also used already store bought already ground coffee, it turns out fine. Little bits of coffee grounds in up in my glass, but I don't care. Great!
July 8, 2018
I found these cylindrical metal mesh filters on Amazon that fit in a large mason jar, like a core. You just pull em out and rinse them (they're reusable) and you've got ground-free, mess-free coffee. No straining, just sweet, sweet caffeination. They're cheap too. I think I paid ten bucks for two.
March 28, 2018
1:5 Coffee:Water in a mason jar when I knock off. Use aeropresso when I get to work next morning.
Timothy M.
March 28, 2018
Ok wait what? That’s brilliant. I’m going to try that tomorrow. Does it come out gritty???
March 28, 2018
Medium grind + paper filter doesn't come out gritty. I do prefer sweeter taste of coarse grind soaked for two days pressed through cheesecloth but Aeropress is way more convenient.
Timothy M.
March 28, 2018
I’ve got some brewing now. I put my handheld burr grinder to where it literally cuts the beans into 2-3 pieces and put it in mason jars.
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