
Your Photos: Grains

August 22, 2013

We asked for 'grams of grains, and this is what you gave us: quinoa, quinoa, and more quinoa. While we feel a little bit sorry for farro, freekeh, bulgur, and all the other grains, we're secretly pleased by what your beautiful photos mean for our latest contest, Your Best Quinoa Recipe. These pictures are proof: you really love quinoa (and quinoa salads, especially).

We can't blame you -- we could eat quinoa for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Keep getting creative with quinoa and submit your best recipe to our contest for a chance to win a special prize from the quinoa experts at Bob's Red Mill.


Clockwise from top left, these 'grams come from: clairebockthefoodiephysicianfreshncrunchy, and mamashack.

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Clockwise from top left, these 'grams come from: lucidlibreannasrecipeboxlovlirachel, and annielink.

Want to get in on the fun? Keep an eye out for our next #F52Grams theme tomorrow -- and be sure to follow us on Instagram, too. 

This article was brought to you by Bob's Red Mill


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I used to work at Food52. I'm probably the person who picked all of the cookie dough out of the cookie dough ice cream.

1 Comment

laurenlocally August 23, 2013