I cut wax paper and have had no problem with salting. However, It was been warmer and wetter longer here this year, and I have to say many of my treats have suffered in various ways, so if it is humid where you are that could be too.
I think the way you store the caramels after you wrap them is also important. A slightly higher than room temperature as well as moisture levels can affect their stickiness on the outside.
It's a pretty standard recipe, cooked to firm ball stage (248*). I can't remember if I had this problem with caramels that I didn't salt. I'm making different flavors of caramels and would love to be able to use the wrappers rather than cutting squares of waxed paper.
What do you use for wrappers? I use waxed paper, and salt a lot of my caramels, and don't have trouble with sticking. What caramel recipe are you using & to what stage to you cook the caramel mixture?