Need sugestions for a Soup, using the following. Mushrooms, miso, chicken breast cuttlets, potatoes and vegies.

I want to make something a bit comforting for two. But don't have a game plan down for putting it all together. I have chicken stock, powdered dashi.
Another option is using coconut milk.

  • Posted by: Sam1148
  • December 22, 2011


Sam1148 December 23, 2011
Thanks everyone..I took the easy way out tonight, and defrosted some stew I had vac-packed.
I'll probably use that up tomorrow. I really need to clean out all the leftover stuff in the 'fridge and get a clean slate for Xmas.
Along with a serious purge of the 'fridge and restocking.
Jain S. December 22, 2011
Sauté the mushrooms, add in the dashi and the potatoes, let cook a bit then add in cut up chicken cutlets- then veggies longer or shorter depending on type. Once chicken is finished take the soup off the heat, stir in miso to taste.
sdebrango December 22, 2011
I think I would just make a miso broth and saute the chicken and veggies and add them. Love miso soup.
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