I've been cooking au gratin potatoes for 1hr 30 min and they're still not close to done, I have an oven therm. and the oven is @ 350, like the recipe called for, and there is still liquid in the dish... Does anyone have any idea what could be going on here? The recipe said they would be done in 1h30m. Should I add more milk and turn up the oven? I'm guessing they need another hour at this point.

  • Posted by: JessieLK
  • November 13, 2010


JessieLK November 14, 2010
It's actually food coloring, shhhh. :) Thank you!
campagnes November 13, 2010
It's a shame when a dish comes out less than ideal, particularly something as delicious as au gratin potatoes. :) Live and learn, right? (and btw, I love your profile picture.. makes me thirsty!)
JessieLK November 13, 2010
It took about 2:15, after I covered them. The sauce was really thick at this point, not terrible, but not how I prefer. Wouldn't cook in that pan again.
Nora November 13, 2010
Yikes. Please report on the outcome.

JessieLK November 13, 2010
I covered it again, fingers crossed! I'm using a Wilton Ametale pan, I've never cooked in it, I bet that's it. Thank you!!
campagnes November 13, 2010
Is your cooking vessel a deep one, or shallow? That might impact your cook time, too.
campagnes November 13, 2010
I would cover them with foil and crank the heat up to 400, then check them after about 30-45 minutes to see if that gets things going. If so, I'd re-cover them until they're mostly tender when tested with a knife; then I'd remove the foil and let them go until they're tender and a little browned. That's just off the top of my head, though... good luck! Hope they turn out.
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